Saturday, April 08, 2006

Brain fryers, XLIX

Yet another study.

Those who heavily used wireless phones [2,000 or more hours, or about one hour per day for 10 years] had a 240 percent increased risk of a cancerous tumor on the side of the head where they used their phone.

Ah, don't worry, says JJ, just an idee fixe. Have more ouzo.


Mr roT said...

Hey! No fair! Ouzo blinds me to the danger of islamofascism creeping over our beloved European friends' time-honored traditions like genocide, sectarian warfare, and theocracy.

It has nothing to do with my blinding myself to the evils of non-Coanda-related technology.

That's IPA.

Get it straight, Henri-Mary!

Tecumseh said...

It's Henri-Marie -- nuance. And, how do you know that cell phones don't have something to do with the Coanda effect? All those vibes may create lift, after all.