Saturday, April 22, 2006

Kos on Army Life

Of course, that was a different time, a different Republican Party. And I was a different kind of Republican -- always socially liberal, committed to fiscal sanity, and willing to pay more than lip service to the concept of national service. Talk was cheap. I was going to wear combat boots.

Military service is a sacrifice from the beginning. The cheap combat boots assigned to new recruits blister the toughest of feet -- after one particularly grueling 20-plus-mile road march with a 100-pound rucksack, I literally squeezed out blood from my socks. But basic training was the best thing to ever happen to me. They say they break you down in basic training so they can rebuild you into a real man. I was already broken when I arrived at Fort Sill. For me, it was all building.

Eight weeks later, I emerged a brand new person, this one weighing 140 pounds. And after my three-year stint, while I was stationed in Germany and missed deploying to the Gulf War by a hair, I emerged as a Democrat.



Arelcao Akleos said...

8 weeks? Damn,has army bootcamp degenerated to a short little sprint even a Kos can wax philosophical over?. He doesn't say what his MOS was, but to move from socially liberal republican to officially democrat suggests a new found appreciation for the wonders of domineering, grasping, and incompetent bureaucracies [as opposed to amoral, grasping, semi-competent corporations]. He must have been a paper pusher :)

My Frontier Thesis said...

Remember the days when Democrats used to accuse Eisenhower of not spending enough on defense...