Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Support the Troops

Pepe has been very busy lately and thinks we are all retards, but has sent me this article with the above in re line. I think he is right about there being a break between government feelgoodism about supporting our troops and horseshit like this. I can't imagine any of us disagreeing if this story is true.


The Darkroom said...

I say fuck them: where do these soldiers think they live - in a nanny state ?

Mr roT said...

great to have you back! I hate all the agreements we've been having around here. hey! fuck you, man! keep da shit comin'!

The Darkroom said...

i think i'll do my best to leave y'all's coulter/rush bubble alone and instead try and stick to offensive sexual remarks, and anything insulting to people of religion.

that being said, could you tell us more about your sexual harrassment training - specifically, where are the legal loopholes?

Mr roT said...

Based on the repetitive nature of the attorney's drivel, best I can figure is that persistence is an important key. Of course if you do a good enough job, once is enough, but if you're only a standard deviation or two off from the mean of swinehood, it'll take a 'persistent' in there somewhere to get into real trouble.

Even that LSU-Princeton math guy was persistent though I would put him way out in 97%-ile territory for perversion and would have thrown him out on the first offense if what he did didn't sound like so much fun.

Could be that I am not giving you the whole story, attorney-wise. I was highly distracted by the killer colleague sitting next to me in the first low-cut of the year.

I may have missed some of the finer points of the discussion dreaming that her political views might be similar to Ann Coulter's though her heaving deliciousnesses are nicer.

There were some discussions all my colleagues seemed to get but I didn't.

Tecumseh said...

What's a heaving deliciousness? You lost me there, JJ -- I need a diagram to follow your explanation.

Mr roT said...

sounds like your sex harassment class was flat, AI

Tecumseh said...

But not Ricci flat.