Sunday, April 02, 2006

A hoot

We've been talking lately about missiles and and such. How about this new torpedo? Should we worry about it, or go for the tried and true repartee, ah don't worry, have more ouzo? If it can really go 223mph (even half as fast), it would require a massive shot of ouzo to dismiss this...


Anonymous said...

why does your blog post the times as western (cali) time? most of us are on eastern.

Tecumseh said...

I imagine this is because (and google, of course) are on the West Coast. But perhaps one can change the settings? Let JJ worry about it, he's the expert (!)

Tecumseh said...

Come to think of it, it's probably an imported Shkval. And yes, apparently these torpedoes can travel at speeds of up 230mph. Just damn!

Remember what Admiral Farragut said.

Tecumseh said...

JJ is fast asleep at the wheel, as usual. So I went and switched the default time from PST to EST.

Arelcao Akleos said...

What the heck is wrong with West Coast time? Damn, you'd think you all live near the Hub of the Universe or sumpin'.

Tecumseh said...

Good point -- we should have some democracy here, not rule by fiat imposed by the East Coast elites. So, what should be the optimal time zone for this blog? Mountain time? If all fails, we could settle for GMT...

The Darkroom said...

i vote for miller time.

Mr roT said...

No, Pepe. The Official Beer of is Stone Ruination IPA.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Central Time, of course. It's the best compromise (I assert this with complete objectivity), really.


The Darkroom said...

glad to hear that - i was concerned this sounded more & more like a Coors crowd

Mr roT said...

Ain't no city blog. Ain't no downstream blog. It's Adolf Coorstler!