Saturday, April 01, 2006

If men gave birth

The human race would have died out a long time ago, says this Russian guy. Any smart-alecky retort from JJ?


Mr roT said...

Smart comment? I am just happy that the Russians are getting their birthrate back up. I hope the rest of the West can follow suit. Maybe Italy, Spain, and France need killer dictators like Putin.

Tecumseh said...

Yes, that was news to me, too -- that the Russians are starting to have babies again. Doubt Putin has much, if anything, to do with it: it's not rocket science, ya know?

As for the Italians & al, well, what can I say? Maybe they need the Coanda effect explained to them?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Last time I was in Italy, little dogs provided handy substitutes for kids. JJ: what's the scene look like in 2006?

My Frontier Thesis said...

...and Claire, of London, (or London Claire?) wants us to stop overpopulating the planet.

Says Claire:

"A falling birth rate is a good thing. The planet is already overpopulated."
—Claire, London

Mr roT said...

I think the birthrate is still terribly low.