Sunday, April 02, 2006

A little enclave

Protected by the Constitution? Hmmm....


Arelcao Akleos said...

The Ghosts of the Confederacy must be gnashing their teeth. If only Islam had been able to provide intellectual succor a few scant generations earlier.

My Frontier Thesis said...

The south fought for their state right to preserve that "peculiar institution." We finally got enough back-bone in D.C. to let them know that nope, slavery can't work anymore, not even under the guise of "state right."

unConstitutional = neighborhoods (Muslim or any other religion) that want to trump the emancipatory self-evident truths of the enlightenment and bill of rights.

In the favorite slogan of one of America's more peculiar libertarians, Don't Tread on Me.

The Darkroom said...

i say it's high time my sleeper cell gain some legitimacy

My Frontier Thesis said...

ACLU double-bind (maybe it's just superficial): they'll defend the Islamic neighborhoods against D.C., and they'll defend an individual within the neighborhood who's just trying to drink a couple cold ones... speaking of which.