Saturday, April 01, 2006

Apparition of a Computer

in Mecca. Praise Allah!

Karnar from NASA took one piece of the stone from the British Museum. He charged it with a million telephone wires, yet the stone withstood it. He charged it with 100 million telephone wires, yet the stone withstood it. This piece of stone was the size of a chickpea. He found that this stone emits invisible radiation. He found that a stone the size of a chickpea emits 100 rays. Each ray can pass through 10,000 people.

What were they trying to get the pebble to admit to?

I strongly suggest you look around this Memritv site. There's some lovely filth down here.


Arelcao Akleos said...

They lined up 10,000 people to see how far the ray could go? Each ray could go through 10,000? So the minimum number of RH's [rayed homos] is 10,000? Then what is the mean and deviation? What was the maximum observed number of RH's hit by a "single bullet"?? Does it follow the Weibull distribution? Or is it obeying the Bullscheit Statistics?

Mr roT said...

I think they used the Taliban (student) T-test.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Touche', JJ, I wish I'd said that