Saturday, April 01, 2006

O wad some Power the giftie gie us / To see oursels as ithers see us!

My good friend Mela has decided she hates our blog and so will not become a contributor. She writes,

So, like, someone writes a post, and just to show that he's up with what's really important in the world, he does a bit of reference-dropping. Someone else comes along, and with self-satisfied confidence that his place in this little world is secure, he thinks "I get your references." And just to cement the fact, he writes a reply, which says "I see your four references, and to prove it to you, I raise you four more, related by dubious wit, and perhaps some linguistics as evidence of my intellect." And just so it's not too obvious that he's one-upping the first guy, he veils his reply thinly with humor, or (gasp) irony...

I suggest we not make so many references, linguistic and other, and we not try so hard at self-affirmation with self-satisfied chortling at dubious humor. Probably we ought to be less pompous and know-it-allish in our little world.

Sorry, Mela. Habits are hard to break. Maybe gene therapy?


My Frontier Thesis said...

This is great stuff from Mela. It'd make Mencken proud. She should join even if she just wants to take pot-shots at us taking pot-shots at the world.

Also: I enjoyed that "like" was the second word in her first sentence. Maybe ask her to give it another go. I mean really, JJ is the only asshole we really have to deal with here.

[somewhat related note: It's my theory that assholeitus is merely a reaction to bad digestion, or constipation... drink more coffee, JJ.]

Tecumseh said...

Sound advice from the frontiersman. Maybe Sumatra coffee spiked with ouzo (and a touch of Grand Marnier) will do the trick?

Paul said...

jj, I think your pants are fine.

Mr roT said...

I thought I had cut down on my panting.

Anonymous said...

Aaaah, lame joke JJ!

Also: "like" was supposed to be (gasp) ironic.

Mr roT said...

Like, duh!

Arelcao Akleos said...

As I didn't know we were all being weighed and measured be Mela, nor even that there was a Mela on this earth, I hardly feel the pain of rejection. But I do have two questions.
First, is "she hate this blog" a mere JJism bringing emotional fire to a mere disinclination to participate, or does this Mela truly now burn with a newly kindled hatred?
Second, did I infer correctly that one-upmanship, wordplay, and the uses of irony are what roused her bile? If so then, assuming what Mela wrote is a fair indice of her own indulgence in the like, the lass ever tastes bitter.

Anonymous said...

Hi! My name is Melina. I have been lurking, yes, but only because I'm curious about JJ's friends. You're quite right that all I have is a disinclination to participate, although it seems now that I have been lured into doing just that...

To address your challenge - well, probably if I met myself on a blog I wouldn't like me either! ;)

My Frontier Thesis said...

Note to AA: please don't ever use the phrase "JJism" again.

Thank you.


Mr roT said...

C'mon, Mela. Tear AA a new one! The gaudy shallows of "indice" are begging you in for a swim!

Bijoyini said...

Mela - very well written indeed! Please write some more... We need some humor on this (and every) blog.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Hi, Mela.
Didn't your mother ever tell you about what happens when a cat meets curiosity? But I admire your gumption, for most folks run if I admit I'm a friend of JJ. But now you have been lured, so hopes Tyrani e eu....and as soon as JJ has finished swimming in the gaudy [what a surprise] shallows please do unto him as he would have you do unto me.
As for MFT, I promise no more **isms forever

Mr roT said...

AA, no need to overdo. The customary indice is that a condom will work nicely.