Saturday, March 31, 2007
What happens when JJ leaves class
As the old Romanian saying has it, Cind pisica nu'i acasa, soarecii joaca pe masa. Or under the table.
Pepe's Pew Seeks Out Religious Votes...
...or I could've adjusted the title and named it, "A Songwriter's View from Planet Pepe Le Pew."
Friday, March 30, 2007
If the LImeys Sing this Fast can bet that the Iranian methods are more effective than Abu Ghraib, even if it be nothing more than that people actually believe their threats. I'd give the D of PP about 5 minutes before he'd be doing a full throated Aria for their pleasure
Versailles Does Not Wish for any Chansons of Youth
Vile-Pain wishes his "Muse" to suffice for all French, perhaps? The Youths will have their Spring recorded in annals not in Versailles, nevertheless.
Quick, Send 'Em to Civilization Before Its Too Late!
and before the D of PP starts Harrying us about the cruel inhumanity of it all.
The Krauts are all Petainist Now
Ain't Planet Pepe just chock full of Irony?
Bad Americans,
Teutonic Twits,
The Qomical Mullahs
An Interpretation of Abudullahs new Candor
That's what the Bushellers get for mistaking the quote as "Let Loose the Platypi of War"
Thursday, March 29, 2007
German Metaphysics + French Sophistry = Sartre

German metaphysics met French sophistry in a kind of European Coal and Steel Community producing nothing but rhetorical gas... Few professional thinkers anywhere found it advisable to dismiss Sartre's air of intelligence: There was too great a risk of being called unintelligent themselves.... in philosophy, the infinite regress is a sign that someone has made a mistake in logic. In ordinary life, it is a sign that someone is hiding from reality. Sartre hid. Of course he did; and if he did, anybody can, including us; although I think that if we hide in lies, the lies should not be blasphemous. Sartre blasphemed when he took upon himself, and kept for the rest of his life, battle honors that properly belonged to people who ran risks he never ran, and who died in his stead.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Planet Pepe Gets its own Mufti
What, did the Bush sycophants of the House of Saud really believe that "Ever Our Friends and Allies" drivel had any connection with reality? Looks like Abdullah now rides Osama's Strong Horse
Bad lackey,
Don't Worry Be Happy,
Saudi Schwein,
You don't say
Dakota Number One No More
And here in the southeast corner.....the New Champeen Sheepshagger in the USA!
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
On Tax Cuts
The guy who wrote this article and I were graduate students and shared an office not too long ago. I haven't heard from him in a while, and just got this forward from a friend and editor of his. Check out his views on tax cuts. Enjoy.
North Dakota,
Wall Street,
War On Taxes (WOT)
A Year and a Day Have Passed Away,...
London to Tehran: "...this will move into a different phase..."
Iran is asking for a British apology. London to Tehran: "Yeah, we're sorry you're such a bunch of fucking idiots..." Or is that too predictable a come-back?
Past Movements...
A short article on attempts to locate Homer's Odysseus' island with contemporary geological methods.
Pouring a Round of Linguistic[sic] Kool-Aid!
This is good. Before Derrida, Foucault and Chomsky dropped onto the scene, clarity was something that all scholars seemed to strive for. This little article refers to a memo from the editorial desk of Sandy Rowe at The Oregonian
Written in the saddest bureaucratese, her 760-word note stops whatever conversation it was designed to start... I've read grocery lists that were more literate... Far from rallying the Oregonian staff to help the new bosses remake the paper, Rowe's memo pours a round of Kool-Aid and invites the newsroom to do a Jonestown.
Yea!!! Kool-Aid for everyone!!!
Written in the saddest bureaucratese, her 760-word note stops whatever conversation it was designed to start... I've read grocery lists that were more literate... Far from rallying the Oregonian staff to help the new bosses remake the paper, Rowe's memo pours a round of Kool-Aid and invites the newsroom to do a Jonestown.
Yea!!! Kool-Aid for everyone!!!
Obama Found His Gravity
First, Dr. Gore invented the Internet [before becoming the world's most famous climatalogist]. Now Professor Obama extends General Relativity to new domains. The rethuglicans may get the Preachers, but no doubt the Dramocrats got all the scientific savvy.....
a great job,
Feynman Weeps,
Monday, March 26, 2007
The reply from another official is: "We do not accept the figures quoted in the Lancet survey as accurate. "
In the same e-mail the official later writes: "However, the survey methodology used here cannot be rubbished, it is a tried and tested way of measuring mortality in conflict zones."
In the same e-mail the official later writes: "However, the survey methodology used here cannot be rubbished, it is a tried and tested way of measuring mortality in conflict zones."
Sunday, March 25, 2007
will gonzi stay ?
i'll bet a 1L bottle of the finest belgian ale he'll be gone within 4 months. you?
Big brother is watching
But potential troublemakers were hardly the only ones to end up in the files. In hundreds of reports stamped “N.Y.P.D. Secret,” the Intelligence Division chronicled the views and plans of people who had no apparent intention of breaking the law, the records show.
These included members of street theater companies, church groups and antiwar organizations, as well as environmentalists and people opposed to the death penalty, globalization and other government policies. Three New York City elected officials were cited in the reports.
In case the pinko-lefties made good on their allegiance to obl and planned to bomb the RNC with granola.
These included members of street theater companies, church groups and antiwar organizations, as well as environmentalists and people opposed to the death penalty, globalization and other government policies. Three New York City elected officials were cited in the reports.
In case the pinko-lefties made good on their allegiance to obl and planned to bomb the RNC with granola.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Chocolate is good for you
Wait till Simone reads this and if i don't get fed antifreeze, it's going to be godiva city here.
Brzezinski on the "wot"
In the meantime, the "war on terror" has gravely damaged the United States internationally. For Muslims, the similarity between the rough treatment of Iraqi civilians by the U.S. military and of the Palestinians by the Israelis has prompted a widespread sense of hostility toward the United States in general. It's not the "war on terror" that angers Muslims watching the news on television, it's the victimization of Arab civilians. And the resentment is not limited to Muslims. A recent BBC poll of 28,000 people in 27 countries that sought respondents' assessments of the role of states in international affairs resulted in Israel, Iran and the United States being rated (in that order) as the states with "the most negative influence on the world." Alas, for some that is the new axis of evil!
Mass Idiocy,
Did gonzi lie?
Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and senior advisers discussed the plan to remove seven United States attorneys at a meeting last Nov. 27, 10 days before the dismissals were carried out, according to a Justice Department calendar entry disclosed Friday.
The previously undisclosed meeting appeared to contradict Mr. Gonzales’s previous statements about his knowledge of the dismissals. He said at a news conference on March 13 that he had not participated in any discussions about the removals, but knew in general that his aides were working on personnel changes involving United States attorneys.
The previously undisclosed meeting appeared to contradict Mr. Gonzales’s previous statements about his knowledge of the dismissals. He said at a news conference on March 13 that he had not participated in any discussions about the removals, but knew in general that his aides were working on personnel changes involving United States attorneys.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Blue Versailles turns Red in Shame
OK, so Miami-Dade CC has a couple of Ringers. But if you say it in Cubano it probably sounds more anelitic and less ringish.
Canada Really Really doesn't like discordant voices
Now if only Farzana and Tarek would stop their Racist Rants then they wouldn't have to worry about someone getting all Farmer Pig-ton on their asses, would they?
Sweet is the First Amendment
Looks like the Alliance of Red and Green has got us on its hitlist, boys.
Am embarassed I didn't know Soros had made his first financial killing from killings in Budapest in WWII. I'd assumed his socialist hatred for things Ricain came out of his shilling for Soviets days. Didn't realize he had his Nattering for Nazis moments. And now he is Merlin to the Duke of PLanet Pepe.
Am embarassed I didn't know Soros had made his first financial killing from killings in Budapest in WWII. I'd assumed his socialist hatred for things Ricain came out of his shilling for Soviets days. Didn't realize he had his Nattering for Nazis moments. And now he is Merlin to the Duke of PLanet Pepe.
We are wise to keep our sex advice to ourselves
Their "blog", FreeCounterPunch, makes us look like wimps. I hope Mel doesn't find out about theirs before we've got him signed onto ours.
a great job,
If Mel was One of Us,
The Literary Elite,
us vs them
A Votive Calling
Mayor Daley's minions are right now explaining to their boss why this simple act of political genius had so long escaped the "Machine". Expect an explosion of burquas in the next mayoral elections. It might even surpass the graveyard vote.
Mel Belongs on FCP!!
A glorious surrender
A sharply divided House voted Friday to order President Bush to bring combat troops home from Iraq next year, a victory for Democrats in an epic war-powers struggle
Surrender to the head hackers=victory? George Orwell would be proud. But that is the "logic" of the Left -- always was, always will.
Surrender to the head hackers=victory? George Orwell would be proud. But that is the "logic" of the Left -- always was, always will.
Capitalism checks Itself, once again...

Not that it was deliberate, but every now and again I'll catch this Jim Cramer nut-job on CNBC, his shirt-sleeves rolled up, screaming and yelling at us in our living rooms to "BUY!" or "SELL!" or "HOLD!!!"
About three or four months ago, I remember telling my father, "You know, this guy's insanity hype is not what I think of when deciding how to invest in the market..." serve and protect?
Clicking on the link will take you to a 19-second clip of a male off-duty (so far as I can tell) Chicago cop beating the shit out of about a 115-pound female bartender. I'm not a real big fan of this.
...time to turn over the badge and gun, f*ck-o.
...time to turn over the badge and gun, f*ck-o.
To Protect and Serve
Thursday, March 22, 2007
John Edward's Year of Job
By this time he must be gettin' ready to go mano a mano with the Big 'Un.....Yet through it all his 'do is a miracle of coiffiness
While Planet Pepe Bloviates, Pentagon Builds
This is exquisite timing. Now the DPP can go back to conjuring up an argument as to how burning US flags and effigies of Ricain soldiers is to be construed as "supporting the troops"
Drip, Drip, Another Little Mosqe on the Prairie goes IM,
The D of PP readies his armament of intellectual weapons: "Antisemite"? check. "Neocon"? Check. "Miftah a Traitor to his Race"? Check and double check. "Houssam a Credit to his Race and Proof IM does not exist"? Check and Triple Check.
Let those droolin' Ricains try to get by ol' Duke today with their fantasies of Muslim doomsday! [Although Domesday may evade the farflung Eye of the Duke ]
Let those droolin' Ricains try to get by ol' Duke today with their fantasies of Muslim doomsday! [Although Domesday may evade the farflung Eye of the Duke ]
Don't Worry Be Happy,
From Planet Pepe
Horsing around goes Ballistic
So, how long before some gambling type decides Olympic events or a Tour de France are not sufficiently under their control?
The Quran's Darwin Award goes to......"Neocons"!
This a letter to Mark Steyn.
Further to the recent controversy over The King Fahad Academy and its slightly less than culturally sensitive depictions of 'repugnant' jews and porcine Christians, a further insight into how some parts of the Islamic world see their fellow peoples of the book. As a teacher of English as a foreign language I've taught a large number of students from the Muslim world over the last few years. In conversation with a particularly radical (although perfectly nice, if you kept him off the subjects of politics, race, women, sexuality, drugs, pop music etc) young guy from Jordan, I decided to spice up our one to one conversation class by asking him his views on Darwin. After a spot of sardonic laughter he explained to me in the tone usually reserved for wilfully ignorant three year olds, that Darwin was basically wrong on every count, as we are of course Allah's creations. However, after a second's reflection he then caveated this by adding that there was one small element of truth in Darwin's theory. There is, it seems, one group of people who are indeed descended from apes. This group is, of course....drumroll....the Jews !!! Apparently, as a punishment for using drift nets to catch fish on a Saturday Allah turned them in to monkeys for a few thousand years, allowing them to slowly develop back towards humanity (a “scholarly” analysis of this claim in the Koran can be found at: ). Now there's nothing new or surprising in an Islamic extremist believing that Jews come from apes. What was so interesting in this guy's case was that to all intents and purposes he was an intelligent, scientifically minded guy who was fairly open to the west. He had two degrees - one in physics and one in mechanical engineering. He also had a Mickey Mouse watch and was a big Shania Twain fan. And yet he was quite happy to believe this lunatic tale of simian shenanigans from the big hand in the sky. Ever since meeting this guy, I've made a point of raising this story with other Islamic students, and although some are more forceful than others in maintaining the truth of it, there's not a single one who's been prepared to agree with me that it is clearly complete and utter nonsense, even among the most chilled and liberal students who, lunatic beliefs aside, are thoroughly nice chaps. Just a little something to bear in mind next time you hear mention of “moderate” Islam...
Dan Vesty
Shrewsbury, United Kingdom
Further to the recent controversy over The King Fahad Academy and its slightly less than culturally sensitive depictions of 'repugnant' jews and porcine Christians, a further insight into how some parts of the Islamic world see their fellow peoples of the book. As a teacher of English as a foreign language I've taught a large number of students from the Muslim world over the last few years. In conversation with a particularly radical (although perfectly nice, if you kept him off the subjects of politics, race, women, sexuality, drugs, pop music etc) young guy from Jordan, I decided to spice up our one to one conversation class by asking him his views on Darwin. After a spot of sardonic laughter he explained to me in the tone usually reserved for wilfully ignorant three year olds, that Darwin was basically wrong on every count, as we are of course Allah's creations. However, after a second's reflection he then caveated this by adding that there was one small element of truth in Darwin's theory. There is, it seems, one group of people who are indeed descended from apes. This group is, of course....drumroll....the Jews !!! Apparently, as a punishment for using drift nets to catch fish on a Saturday Allah turned them in to monkeys for a few thousand years, allowing them to slowly develop back towards humanity (a “scholarly” analysis of this claim in the Koran can be found at: ). Now there's nothing new or surprising in an Islamic extremist believing that Jews come from apes. What was so interesting in this guy's case was that to all intents and purposes he was an intelligent, scientifically minded guy who was fairly open to the west. He had two degrees - one in physics and one in mechanical engineering. He also had a Mickey Mouse watch and was a big Shania Twain fan. And yet he was quite happy to believe this lunatic tale of simian shenanigans from the big hand in the sky. Ever since meeting this guy, I've made a point of raising this story with other Islamic students, and although some are more forceful than others in maintaining the truth of it, there's not a single one who's been prepared to agree with me that it is clearly complete and utter nonsense, even among the most chilled and liberal students who, lunatic beliefs aside, are thoroughly nice chaps. Just a little something to bear in mind next time you hear mention of “moderate” Islam...
Dan Vesty
Shrewsbury, United Kingdom
What the Frick??
Is there an argument under all that???? I'm beginning to feel sorry [again] for DPP. After all, this Coulter gal presumably gets good pay for this stuff; whereas Pepe puts out something similar regularly [just invert Neocon and Liberal] and gets nothing more than a whole lot of free counterpoint for his efforts.
Greater Lusitania Jobbed by the Brits
Imagine. Crocodilho Dondi speaking like Figo, or the Croc Hunter spouting in a whacky Timor Leste accent. Oh the opportunities lost.
Hah, Chicago Cops are getting Soft
Twenty years ago, they did their beating up in full uniform on duty! The ancients took pride in their work.
Dr. Gore spots a Fever
I suppose next he will be quoting Agent Smith as to what the virus is.... [and then offer himself as the cure]
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Not Exactly Making His Point
With Romney quoting Castroisms to Miami Cubans, and this guy making analogies he should really have thought through, the Republicans seem to have been swayed by the glib tongue of Bush
a great job,
Beyond the Cozy Offices of Oxford...

Click the orange link. The footage is understandably joggy. This might be the chest-beating that Pepe despises (I'm uncertain, specifically, so I'll let him comment). Before lecturing in a cozy hall of academia, chest-beating — from Oxford to Stanford — is unfortunately an unimaginable and unecessary concept.
Soldiers, however, often do that sort of chest beating for mental preparation, much similar to the way an academic might psychologically prepare themselves before, as mentioned, a lecture; before delivering a paper; before reading the latest from Yale University Press.
Strangest "Sport" story of the year [so far]
If this was the Colombian team, you'd have the usual suspects [narco-gamblers]. But what the hell is going on here?
Als Klahr on the Australian Front
The Duke of Planet Pepe is saddened: how could a victim of racist rants indulge in such unashamed racist ranting?
And Yet Another Racist Rant for the ol' DPP
So much racism, with only that thin little red Pepean line to keep it at bay.
Another Racist Rant for the Duke of Planet Pepe
Of course, the christians who retaliated for these attacks were executed. One can either be impressed by this sentence, given that the Imam who ordered the Bali bombing was set free after two years, or one can wager a Sleeman on what small handful of years they will be released to a hero's welcome back on Planet Pepe
A Face to Sink a Thousand Ships
It is depressing how frequently the foster care system seems to end up with this sort of "care" of children
Bouncy Czech vs Pinko Gore
This ideology preaches earth and nature and under the slogans of their protection – similarly to the old Marxists – wants to replace the free and spontaneous evolution of mankind by a sort of central, now global, planning of the whole world.
The Left never stops in pursuing its goals; it just transmutes them.
The Left never stops in pursuing its goals; it just transmutes them.
JJ has hinted several times at the notion that help to rebuild louisiana amounted to hand-outs. This report establishes that the flood was the direct result of the ineptitude of the corps and that programs and $ to rebuild are nothing more than compensation from the federal govt to make good on its own fuck-ups.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Rough Riders in Iraq?... "BULLY!"
Eyeless in Nimes
So arranged marriages, or the landscape of southern Morocco, or things appearing to stem from a mental illness, threaten to lead to eyeballs bouncing on the linoleum. You've been warned, Citoyens.
The Embodiment of the Anglo-Saxon Clusterfuck
From the Dunord blog.
"Toronto also signed midfielder Andy Welsh from Sunderland. As one writer put it (sorry but I forgot who):
His name is Welsh, he was born in England, but his passport is from Scotland, he is going to play for a team in Canada, but the league is American. Talk about yer Anglo-Saxon clusterfuck."
"Toronto also signed midfielder Andy Welsh from Sunderland. As one writer put it (sorry but I forgot who):
His name is Welsh, he was born in England, but his passport is from Scotland, he is going to play for a team in Canada, but the league is American. Talk about yer Anglo-Saxon clusterfuck."
Pity they both can't lose
On the other hand, that Romanian saying divide et impera might be a good one to invoke here. A long bloody stalemate might be just the ticket. A while back, Pepe argued (OK, he stated) that the war in Iraq is a dismal failure because the extremist Sunnis are killing extremist Shias. Sounds pretty cool to me, actually. Maybe the moderates (if they exist) will tell them all to go to Hell and let them alone to enjoy freedom and democracy. So now here we are in Pakistan and Al-Qaeda is going after erstwhile allies Taliban kinda like Fatah and Hamas were at each others' throats up till a couple weeks ago (and as they will be soon again).
Disappointed your barbarians can't unite against Rome, Pepe?
Disappointed your barbarians can't unite against Rome, Pepe?
Another poll on progress
There is no life at all," Solaf Mohamed Ali, 38, a Shiite woman who works in a bank. USA TODAY interviewed Ali and other Baghdad residents to supplement the poll findings. "We are eating, drinking and sleeping like animals, but animals are lucky because they are not scared all the time like we are. They don't think that they might be killed at any moment, so I think even the animals are much happier than us."
There was very little trust in U.S. and British troops. By a ratio of more than 4-to-1 — 82%-to-18% — Iraqis surveyed said they had little confidence in coalition forces.
About 33% saw "effective" reconstruction efforts, while 67% — 15 percentage points higher than in a similar ABC News survey taken in November 2005 — called them "ineffective."
Nearly one in 10 said they hadn't seen any reconstruction efforts begun
There was very little trust in U.S. and British troops. By a ratio of more than 4-to-1 — 82%-to-18% — Iraqis surveyed said they had little confidence in coalition forces.
About 33% saw "effective" reconstruction efforts, while 67% — 15 percentage points higher than in a similar ABC News survey taken in November 2005 — called them "ineffective."
Nearly one in 10 said they hadn't seen any reconstruction efforts begun
a great job,
You don't say
First Class Dead Guy...
Again, British Air is in the news. This time it's not Coanda. Instead, it concerns mortality. Since British Airways has now been in the news twice within a week and a half, I labeled it as follows.
The passenger excerpt: "The corpse was strapped into the seat but because of turbulence it kept slipping down on to the floor. It was horrific. The body had to be wedged in place with lots of pillows."
The passenger excerpt: "The corpse was strapped into the seat but because of turbulence it kept slipping down on to the floor. It was horrific. The body had to be wedged in place with lots of pillows."
Monday, March 19, 2007
This Guy Sucks Balls
When I went to the Carrib a couple years ago (employed as a journalist, of all things, for a short time — I resigned), my experience stood in stark contradiction to what Jimmy Buffett had been singing about since he started his workaholic singing career. Since then, I've devoted a portion of time in my life to exposing this asshole and his music for what it is.
JJ has also remarked on a similar sentiment of mine: you can't think straight the closer you get to the equator.
Buffett, you suck. I'm on to you. I know what you're all about, you selling your idyllic image of Coors Light on some godforsaken beach Paradise to a bunch of Rubes in Middle America. I know about the reality of those beaches, and the interior of those islands. And this I say to you: not on my watch, asshole.
JJ has also remarked on a similar sentiment of mine: you can't think straight the closer you get to the equator.
Buffett, you suck. I'm on to you. I know what you're all about, you selling your idyllic image of Coors Light on some godforsaken beach Paradise to a bunch of Rubes in Middle America. I know about the reality of those beaches, and the interior of those islands. And this I say to you: not on my watch, asshole.
Carribean Sea,
You don't say
is this progress of the pre-'04 election type, ie: complete disaster, or actual progress?
one gets really confused with these homonyms that mean one thing and the contrary.
one gets really confused with these homonyms that mean one thing and the contrary.
a great job,
You don't say
Taranto gazes at Planet Pepe
Do journalists unthinkingly side with America's enemies? Consider this Associated Press headline on a Baghdad dispatch: "U.S. Troop Deaths Show Sunni Resilience." Can you imagine the AP or any other "mainstream" news outlet using the same headline in reverse: "Sunni Deaths Show U.S. Troops' Resilience"? We didn't think so.
Obama steals Apple's ad
Hillary as Bill Gates as Big Brother? So OK, Obama is just another random pinko-lefty, but his ad is great (even though it's a ripoff), I gotta give him that.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
19th-century Arabian Nights: Sir Richard Burton

Any of you FCP'ers check out Burton's narrative of his "pilgrimage" to Mecca? The guy was fluent in like 800 languages (about 27, I think), and was the first to translate Arabian Nights (from my knowledge, I don't think anyone has attempted it since his 19th century translation).
The Wiki portrays him as a sort of Victorian James Bond. Interesting.
Planet Pepe Rejoices...

"In this sequence of still images taken from video and released by the U.S.-based IntelCenter, a U.S. government contractor that studies al-Qaida messaging. A man is seen placing explosives under a US military Bradley fighting vehicle that blew it up. The video was released on March 17, 2007, by the Islamic State of Iraq's (ISI) al-Furqan Media , according to IntelCenter. The arabic script at the bottom of the image top right reads: Destroying armored vehicle, Anbar province, Ramadi. (AP Photo/IntelCenter)"
Note how the labels for a post can both be "From Planet Pepe," and "What's Coming to Planet Pepe." Unfortunately, the Jihadist feces will hit the "pacifist" oscillating device in France.
al Qaida: learning about chem-weapons at summer camp
Three suicide bombers driving trucks rigged with tanks of toxic chlorine gas struck targets in the insurgent stronghold including the office of a Sunni tribal leader opposed to al-Qaida. The attacks killed at least two people and sickened 350 Iraqi civilians and six U.S. troops, the U.S. military said Saturday.
From Planet Pepe,
Rich down memory lane
“I took the Grey Poupon out of my cupboard.”
— Representative Duke Cunningham, Republican of California, on the floor of the House denouncing French opposition to the Iraq war.
(As you probably know, grey poupon is a nauseating dijonoid mustard, about as french as appflestrudel is american.)
the happy ending:
[In November 2005, he resigned from Congress and pleaded guilty to accepting bribes from defense contractors. In January 2007, the United States attorney who prosecuted him — Carol Lam, a Bush appointee — was forced to step down for “performance-related” issues by Alberto Gonzales’s Justice Department.]
— Representative Duke Cunningham, Republican of California, on the floor of the House denouncing French opposition to the Iraq war.
(As you probably know, grey poupon is a nauseating dijonoid mustard, about as french as appflestrudel is american.)
the happy ending:
[In November 2005, he resigned from Congress and pleaded guilty to accepting bribes from defense contractors. In January 2007, the United States attorney who prosecuted him — Carol Lam, a Bush appointee — was forced to step down for “performance-related” issues by Alberto Gonzales’s Justice Department.]
Saturday, March 17, 2007
"Stranger Than Fiction," often a reality...
In an effort to bring exposure to the Peasant Eye reviews, I provided a link to the latest... Click on the orange link thingy above.
Digital Penetration: Metaphysics and "functional magnetic resonance imaging"
Another study that clarifies the eternal and absurd arguement about whether Free Will or Environmental/Biological Determinism exists (only for lunatics and absolutists is it just the one or the other).
Excerpt: "To make human choice predictable, you first have to constrain it so that it's not really free."
or, "blah-blah-blah..."
Excerpt: "To make human choice predictable, you first have to constrain it so that it's not really free."
or, "blah-blah-blah..."
All Is Not Well outside of Versailles
But it will only get much worse. The Vanity of Planet Pepe is kindling bonfires all through Europe and the world. And, unlike we Yankee rubes, the Old World has ever been a master of subtle and nuanced control of raging bonfires. Just ask the 20th Century
Where's Haggard in all This?
This should start an argument here on the board. I'll throw out the first shot, a utilitarian one: Hey, you want grandkids? Then you do it.
Friday, March 16, 2007
Tar baby
Xerox Memory: New Implications...
Pepe or JJ: just remember to keep your balls off the glass when xeroxing your ass.
Unclear on the Concept #19
So the Pepe Planeteers think bringing in cute little weenie teenie puppies makes all that huffing and puffing Halal?? They think we'll see all those Good Muslims embrace the heartwarming story of the Three Little Dogs??? Of PC Cretins there is no end.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Ordem E Progresso
NPR Accuses KSM of lying on resumé
So the real question is whether they are disappointed in him or if they're happy to call his interrogators liars and torturers.
I'm Confused,
This guy, in the NYT, is saying that when the BBC launches its Arabic broadcasts they will be less pro-American? Than what?
"Babel" review by mft: $34,109,548

The trailer to this movie might better read: "The American Government is wildly out of control! In the remote sands of the Moroccan desert, two Americans (played by Brad Pitt and some chick) struggling to rekindle a relationship are brought together when two young Moroccan goat-herders take pot-shots at a Yankee tour bus. Of the American couple, the wife is wounded, and her husband believes her only chance of survival is in one of the most god-awful places on earth. Their relationship on the rocks, and the delayed response from the American Embassy to airlift the wife to a Second World Hospital (French), symbolize how disillusioned Americans are these days, in addition to how the Government is slow to respond.
On the domestic front, the couple has hired a Mexican nanny who has been charged with raising their American children since birth. The nanny is put in a tight spot, when she needs to attend her son's wedding, thus forcing her to take the two American children across the border into Mexico. Upon her return, her nephew, a Mexican (obviously) is stopped and unjustly interrogated by the American Border Patrol. The nephew makes a quick get-away, and soon forces his aunt and the two American children to wander alone in the desert."
Now the viewers can think to themselves, first-hand, "AH-HA! Two American children can see what it's like to wander along that border like Mexican children do every day!" We, the Pepetian viewers, feel pretty darned good about this bit of Righteousness. The Mexican nanny/aunt, and the American children are soon discovered by Border Patrol. Predictably, the American couple has hired her illegally, and the nanny is deported, with haste, by a cold American Immigration Agent.
There is a Japanese element to the film, too: the rifle that the young goat-herders used to accidentally shoot the American was a gift a high-powered Japanese salaryman gave to Ibraham, another elder Moroccan goat-herder. The rifle is a fine extension of the evil of Capitalism, and the Japanese salaryman's young mute and deaf daughter wanders the streets of Tokyo, feeling rejected in her Capitalist culture. To remedy this, she exposes her Japanese bush to several of her countrymen, and finally to a Japanese Police Officer. Again, there's another symbolic argument in there about how Guns are Bad, Capitalism has Failed, and the American Border Patrol is Wildly Out of Control.
The movie was just a bit too moral for my Libertarian tastes, nothing like reading a Chekhov short-story, or watching Bergman's celluloid. Enough said. Back to reality. I'm just glad to have spent time with the girl, and that I had beer.
Note: It takes me a little longer to see the HOT New Hollywood Releases, the delay a result of theatre seating, and American movie theatre blue laws. Typically I wait for the film to go to DVD for several reasons. First, seating is still geared towards the size of our Greatest Generation, and even '70s Hippies. Both were short. From what I can guess, AI might have similar problems depending on the theatre. The second reason for DVDs over theatre: I don't have to worry about sneaking beers into the theatre.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Drip Drip Evil Thai Kufr Get Justice Drip Drip
On Pepe Planet there is no tolerance for that Buddhist tolerance
Architectural-Historical Trend Alert...
Some time ago JJ posted some type of Best Buildings in America survey (Link). Yes, Witold Rybczynski owes JJ a Fullers or an Arrogant Bastard. I'll send him an e-mail. Here's Rybczynski's recent piece about the new "signature" buildings that seem to be sweeping the American Metropolis.
Note: I picked up Virginia & Lee McAlester, A Field Guide to American Houses (Knopf, 1984) recently, and it's top-notch as far as finding and being able to contextualize your particular dwelling in post-Columbian American (I suppose even Canadian) history. Lots of good pics that help to identify your own abode, all without having to hassle the city, county or state historical society.
Note: I picked up Virginia & Lee McAlester, A Field Guide to American Houses (Knopf, 1984) recently, and it's top-notch as far as finding and being able to contextualize your particular dwelling in post-Columbian American (I suppose even Canadian) history. Lots of good pics that help to identify your own abode, all without having to hassle the city, county or state historical society.
Hey, Fat-Ass...
How does America deal with this? You'll notice in your post-WWII neighborhoods (anywhere in America) that the yards and driveways are bigger, a sign of the automotive culture that literaly exploded after cease-fire and surrender. About six decades later (with massive Uber-Walmart parking lots a part of the suburban landscape) it was very apparent that American asses had exploded too (not to mention articles documenting France getting fat too). Now our meals are being referred to as numbers (calories, grams of protein, etc.) rather than entrees or dishes.
...maybe time to take the whopper away from your mouth, America. Or maybe just don't think it's necessary to finish the entire thing.
...maybe time to take the whopper away from your mouth, America. Or maybe just don't think it's necessary to finish the entire thing.
Fat Asses,
Yet another study,
You don't say
Trading Guiness for Chardonnay?
O tempora, o mores! The Irish becoming French? Next thing you know, JJ will be sipping lime Perrier when at Brendan Behan.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Ban the bomb!
As the threat changes, the Left still sings the same tune:
"Our decision could well be the hinge point between real impetus toward stopping proliferation or a trigger leading to a cascade of further proliferation...," Michael Meacher, a left-wing Labour legislator
"Our decision could well be the hinge point between real impetus toward stopping proliferation or a trigger leading to a cascade of further proliferation...," Michael Meacher, a left-wing Labour legislator
Gifford Pinchot Clones Needed
Hey Pepe, Pinchot did his schooling at a Forestry School in Nancy, France. You ever been there?
But they support the troops
“I believe homosexual acts between individuals are immoral and that we should not condone immoral acts.”
Brilliant military minds at work.
Brilliant military minds at work.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Supporting the troops
Baudrillard's article got me thinking about this war (again), and specifically about the hypocrisy behind the "support our troops" movement. Now I realize this is anathema to all of you, but hear me out.
Current events such as those that we read in the papers can be separated between those that allow us to understand better the world (foreign policy pages, politics, economy, etc...) and those just describe individual occurrences (little old lady gets run over on the corner of 5th and Madison, say); we call them "faits divers" & i don't know what the english term for them is. What is interesting about the latter is that while they are largely pointless (what genuine need does one have for the knowledge that some anonymous person has got run over?), we also feel strongly and emotionally about them (maybe we knew this person, and we might also think "i cross this intersection all the time: this could have been me", or we might feel sincerely sad that a nice little old ladies got run over). This is the realm of the purely emotional, until some discussion is made about the absurdity of the world that we live in, say, where people get killed for not being fast enough, at which point the story migrates from the "fait divers" back into the say, sociological page.
Support the troops is the opposite trip in that it brings a foreign policy decision to the realm of the purely emotional faits divers. Don't like the policy? Well you must hate the people serving. It is a subterfuge to hush opposition to policy by bringing it down into the purely emotional level. (It also leads to comically self-contradictory statements such as when rummie was both "supporting the troops" and stating that one goes with the army one has when it came out that troops had insufficient body armor to protect themselves and that the pentagon was doing shamefully little about it.) What is most frightening about it is that it is rhetoric that is entirely independent from context: you could decide to go to war for the purpose of wiping out say, all [pick your ethnicity here] just because they are [] and we don't like [], and still argue that opponents aren't supportive of the troops.
Current events such as those that we read in the papers can be separated between those that allow us to understand better the world (foreign policy pages, politics, economy, etc...) and those just describe individual occurrences (little old lady gets run over on the corner of 5th and Madison, say); we call them "faits divers" & i don't know what the english term for them is. What is interesting about the latter is that while they are largely pointless (what genuine need does one have for the knowledge that some anonymous person has got run over?), we also feel strongly and emotionally about them (maybe we knew this person, and we might also think "i cross this intersection all the time: this could have been me", or we might feel sincerely sad that a nice little old ladies got run over). This is the realm of the purely emotional, until some discussion is made about the absurdity of the world that we live in, say, where people get killed for not being fast enough, at which point the story migrates from the "fait divers" back into the say, sociological page.
Support the troops is the opposite trip in that it brings a foreign policy decision to the realm of the purely emotional faits divers. Don't like the policy? Well you must hate the people serving. It is a subterfuge to hush opposition to policy by bringing it down into the purely emotional level. (It also leads to comically self-contradictory statements such as when rummie was both "supporting the troops" and stating that one goes with the army one has when it came out that troops had insufficient body armor to protect themselves and that the pentagon was doing shamefully little about it.) What is most frightening about it is that it is rhetoric that is entirely independent from context: you could decide to go to war for the purpose of wiping out say, all [pick your ethnicity here] just because they are [] and we don't like [], and still argue that opponents aren't supportive of the troops.
now we gotta get rid of the other 3 morons. 2007 is going to look a lot like y'all's 2004.
The NY Daily news and geography
Note the caption under the photograph: there is apparently a village called "Mali" in a country called "Africa". There is also an illiterate janitor at the Daily News that doubles up as editor.
Stone-sliding, 2008...

You're not gonna want to miss this... (they average about an 18-pack of beer per player, per game — come to think of it, it doesn't matter if you do or don't miss it...)
Mass Idiocy,
North Dakota
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Ms. Pelosi said a veto would suggest to Iraqi leaders that the United States was not serious about making them more responsible for policing their own country. [...] “With his veto threat,” she said in a statement, “the president offers only an open-ended commitment to a war without end that dangerously ignores the repeated warnings of military leaders, including the commander in Iraq, General Petraeus, who declared in Baghdad this week that the conflict cannot be resolved militarily.”[...]Traveling in Latin America, Mr. Bush sent the speaker a request Saturday to adjust the administration’s spending proposal by shifting $3.2 billion from “lower priority” programs to pay for about 4,400 troops to bolster the 21,500 increase already sought for Iraq.
Incidentally, those 4,400 troops were requested by, uh, Petraeus. But never mind, Nancy.
Incidentally, those 4,400 troops were requested by, uh, Petraeus. But never mind, Nancy.
Russkie moonshine
The bouquet - rocket fuel with a touch of boot polish. Not for the yellow-livered.
The Appeaseonista has a Vision
He surely wants his terrorist groupies to travel in swift ease and grand style. Top that you rubes from Petain's Versailles.
On a more mundane note, what sort of traffic does he envision between Maghreb and Andalusia which can make this even remotely economically plausible??
On a more mundane note, what sort of traffic does he envision between Maghreb and Andalusia which can make this even remotely economically plausible??
Appeasement Works!
Or it would if Planet Pepe ruled. But here, on Third Rock;
""It is undoubtedly true that Spain is much more of a target today than before"
""It is undoubtedly true that Spain is much more of a target today than before"
Pepe Planet and its "Special" Institutions
Now, what are the odds SFSU would charge students for stomping on the flag of St. George [Flag of England, a red cross on a white background]???
UND's Mascot, and MFT's traditional stance

If you click on the headline link ("UND's Mascot, and MFT's traditional stance"), it'll take you to an article that shows an often unknown side of the late Ralph Engelstad, a multi-million dollar donor to the University of North Dakota. Throughout the nation, many NeoCons are lulled into the argument that the NCAA is belligerent and out of line in trying to make UND change their mascot from the "Fighting Sioux" to something else. As a traditionalist in this respect, I argue for a return to UND's original namesake (and the State rodent of North Dakota), the "Flickertails."
When the UND Flickertails go to Boston College, and Vancouver, and Harvard, and beat the shit out of their hockey teams, it would only add insult to injury if UND Hockey was wearing the traditional mascot — a flickertail — along with the traditional colors, prairie rose pink. The Sioux — whether Lakota, Dakota, Nakota, Sisseton, or Yanktona — were ferocious, and any Mandan, Hidatsa or Arikara nation will tell you that. My argument, ultimately, is grounded in my disdain towards Ralph Engelstad, a man who might as well have run as David Duke's Vice Presidential candidate.
Fuck you, Engelstad. My great uncle fought against your furor's army. And I'll be goddamned if he did it for nothing. GO FLICKERTAILS!
(note: the rodent on the .50 isn't a true flickertail, but it was the best I could find.)
Friday, March 09, 2007
National Socialist Hugo's Kulture-Kampf
Winter Hook

While the sodomy and strap-on and Islamic Jihad on Western Civilization dialogue has been at normal levels, it's been getting a bit lax around here in regards to the ale and beer. Here's a rather good seasonal ale I found this evening, comparatively smooth and weighing in at 6.0%.
What else is on tap for the weekend, FCP'ers?
Little Mosques on the Canuckian Prairie
It's a sad day on Planet Pepe when even the CBC leaves the plantation
Ted Koppel on Continuity of Islam Militant

Toward the bottom-center of this link you'll see a light-blue numeric bar, so click on the time-line. It begins with the 1961 hijacking, and carries through with the 09/05/1972 Munich Olympic Massacre (petty theft and vandals), the 1979 Iran Hostage Crisis (merely a regional event), the 06/14/1985 Athens-to-Rome TWA hijacking by Hezbollah (again, more vandals), the '88 Pan Am flight 103 bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland (12/21), the 02/26/1993 World Trade Center bombing (merely punks with nothing to do), the 10/03/1993 Ranger/SEAL/Delta in the "Mog" to capture a Somali warlord who was hording the Peace Keeping food and killing his locals (again, regional pirates), the 02/25/1994 retaliation where Baruch Goldstein and an American do a not-so-nice thing (to say the least) and kill 29 worshiping Muslims in Hebron, the 04/19/1995 Oklahoma City bombing (perpetrated by paranoid bigots who thought the Feds were really coming for them: may they rest in hell if it exists), the 06/25/1996 slaying of 19 American military personnel in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia (ever our friends), the 08/07/1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania (just punks having fun; nothing to see here folks), the 10/12/2000 attack on the USS Cole (slight cheer from Pepe can be heard), and finally what's somewhat still familiar to Americans: September 11, 2001. The final two links are of the 03/11/2004 Madrid train bombings (just punks having fun again, eh Pepe? note: almost 200 Spaniards dead), and the 07/07/2005 London train bombings (more than 50 killed). Off hand, I see the Marine barracks bombing in Beirut was left out (for one reason or another), but Ted Koppel mentioned it on the Colbert Report this evening (I tried YouTubing it with no luck).
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