Saturday, January 31, 2009
Friday, January 30, 2009
Being a pinko
.. means you don't have to play by the rules. And, if you get caught, you get all pinkoland to cover up for you. As I always suspected, this is one big reason Pepe & his friends turn pinko. (That, and landing the hairy-legged chicks in college, of course.)
A modest proposal
.. on what to do with Pepe's buddies from Gitmo. Has some logic to it, but the catch is: Pepe is off the hook, and AA & I are left holding the bag. No fair! Any suggestions on how to improve on this plan?
Castro seizes the day
Hey, nice little mr president. If you have no use for Gitmo after all, why not give it back while you're at closing it?
Dowd on a rampage
How are these ruthless, careless ghouls who murdered the economy still walking around (not to mention that sociopathic sadist Bernie Madoff?) — and not as perps? Bring on the shackles. Let the show trials begin. OK, maybe not really show trials like in 1938 (pinkos would kill for that!), but Dowd for once has a point. How come none of these charlatans and con artists is yet behind bars? Bubba is getting impatient.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Obama vs Odierno
what's next? Damon vs Kristol? Hulk Hogan vs Pee Wee Herman? Mark Steyn vs Frank Rich?
Coanda rapture

hail to planet Tecumseh,
Seethe JJ seethe
The Genius of Darwin (Cont'd), Vol. 2, Segments 1-5
Above is the first segment of this second volume. I'll link to subsequent segments chronologically below. This is all quite interesting.
Vol. 2, Part 2
Vol. 2, Part 3
Vol. 2, Part 4
Vol. 2, Part 5
Bottom story of the day
The French go on strike? If this is not the definition of dog-bites-man story, I don't know what is.
Give Up Here?

Hey, Give Up Everywhere!
Perhaps Le Pew can go into the business of selling comfortable kneepads to his rich array of monied clients.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Forever The Abyss Between?
POTUS tries to pass through solid object
You can fool enough of the voters sometimes, but they can't make you a god.
London town
Berkeley signs pact with the Devil
The library asked permission to sign a 5-year, $63,000 contract with 3M to maintain five self-checkout scanning machines at the main library and four branches. The Peace and Justice Commission had opposed the request, saying the library should find a company that complies with the nuclear-free ordinance, which voters passed in 1986. The horror! The horror! Will Pepe be able to go back to Shattuck Avenue and sip a latte in good conscience? I don't think so.
La France Finds The Cure For English, Allaho Akhbar!
Enemy of the people
Wow. The pinkos have almost got me liking that fat asshole Limbaugh. It's an interesting tactic that reeks of Tecs (in reverse). So McCain repudiated Limbaugh and by now "sucking up to the Dems" he has isolated the far right, pulling the center to Pres БХО. Or, they're overplaying their hand (the Limbaugh quote is out of context) and are going to piss off moderates (what I think). My feeling is that the moderate right has already forgotten about McCain and thinks Limbaugh is a better standard-bearer even if a giant rectal cancer on the body politic.
Krauthammer lucid as usual
Did you know the economic stimulus BS was gonna include $500M for the hacks that believe in global warming?
Mr. Rot, give up that T-bone steak!
Sez Algore. Chop, chop.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Pinko Realpolitik
The irony now is obvious: George W. Bush as a force for emancipation in Muslim lands, and Barack Hussein Obama as a messenger of the old, settled ways. Thus the "parochial" man takes abroad a message that Muslims and Arabs did not have tyranny in their DNA, and the man with Muslim and Kenyan and Indonesian fragments in his very life and identity is signaling an acceptance of the established order.
Pepe, a Question...
Pepe, it's a long shot, but do you know anyone in France who could bum or rent out (more likely) a Fender Rhodes Mark I stage piano? A band I follow is rolling through your home country and are in need for their upcoming tour.
You know, to support the arts. The YouTube videos are the said band ("Black Diamond Heavies") in need, and it's also what happens when Detroit rock meets Mississippi blues...
The Gold Piss of the Bleus
Literary cretinism from Planet AI
He's absolutely correct about Bond. His "creator" Ian Fleming was of the old british Empire school of history and the character reflects his world view. Vicious Asians, dumb Africans etc, the whole revolting package. . .
The episode where Bond "converts" a lesbian to heterosexuality with his amazing lovemaking is straight out of the same kind of adolescent male fantasy that fuels the imaginations of gullible young men who go off to war to kill, mutilate and die in the service of the privileged chickenhawks at home.
At least Rudyard Kipling had some respect for the colonized people, plus a lot more creative and writing talent.
The episode where Bond "converts" a lesbian to heterosexuality with his amazing lovemaking is straight out of the same kind of adolescent male fantasy that fuels the imaginations of gullible young men who go off to war to kill, mutilate and die in the service of the privileged chickenhawks at home.
At least Rudyard Kipling had some respect for the colonized people, plus a lot more creative and writing talent.
An Alitalia moment on Virgin

Passenger goes Mr. Tec apeshit: “…It’s mustard Richard. MUSTARD. More mustard than any man could consume in a month. On the left we have a piece of broccoli and some peppers in a brown glue-like oil and on the right the chef had prepared some mashed potato. The potato masher had obviously broken and so it was decided the next best thing would be to pass the potatoes through the digestive tract of a bird."
Mr. del Toro doesn't deny that Guevara's persona had some darker aspects
Benicio Mierda del Toro doesn't give a damn about concentration camps. Really? I guess they were bullshit like terrorism.
Christopher Matthews Hitchens
Tintin Gets Jawed into ET

Well, fly the frog over the moon on a bicycle built for Ryan's privates.
What's the market for this? The Tutti Frutti Bund?
Monday, January 26, 2009
Hmmm..... The Big Hardon Sees Us as Its Biatch?
...and then he started talking...
But didn't they get the memo from Pepe that that shit don't work??
Terror is the new communism, says Pepe
Fro the Dennis Prager show transcript: As they say on the TV show 24, the following took place last week between 9 and 10 p.m. on a flight from Los Angeles to Denver. I spoke for a few minutes to the 20-year-old woman seated across the aisle from me. She: What brings you to Denver? Me: I am giving a speech. She: What do you do? Me: I'm a radio talk show host. She: Who did you vote for? Me: McCain She: Why? Me: Smaller government and the war on terror. She: Terror is the new communism. Me: Communism killed about a hundred million people. And who do you think attacked and killed 3,000 of us on Sept. 11? She: The government.
For the record, as I believe this to be essential to understanding this young womans views, she is a student attending the University of California Santa Barbara. Truth is she had to be a student at a major university. She would never have come up with Terror is the new Communism on her own. It is a moral obscenity that one has to learn. Of course, there is an irony to this statement. Meant in the opposite way she meant it, I could largely assent to the proposition that terror is the new communism.
Pepe would collapse into a puddle, shaking uncontrollably, if such a heretical thought would ever cross his mind. The horror! The horror!
For the record, as I believe this to be essential to understanding this young womans views, she is a student attending the University of California Santa Barbara. Truth is she had to be a student at a major university. She would never have come up with Terror is the new Communism on her own. It is a moral obscenity that one has to learn. Of course, there is an irony to this statement. Meant in the opposite way she meant it, I could largely assent to the proposition that terror is the new communism.
Pepe would collapse into a puddle, shaking uncontrollably, if such a heretical thought would ever cross his mind. The horror! The horror!
The Norsemen Tremble
Are These the Days of Ragnarok?
Hey, Mr. Rotoarse, yer still wanna be a maven for Reykjavik maidens?
Hey, Mr. Rotoarse, yer still wanna be a maven for Reykjavik maidens?
I nearly cried my eyelashes off!
It's all about feelings, AI. Hey, fuck. If Barrack can do it, I can too. Can hardly disagree with her.
Pretzels and Sausage...

I had a handy terracotta oven stone on hand, too. It worked great. Find yourself some good local sausage and beer. That's all the advice I have for the eve. One more question, though: got mustard?
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Blood. Iron. Pelosi.
Sun Jan 25 2009 22:13:43 ET
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic "stimulus" package, claiming "contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government." Pelosi, the mother of 5 children and 6 grandchildren, who once said, "Nothing in my life will ever, ever compare to being a mom," seemed to imply babies are somehow a burden on the treasury. The revelation came during an exchange Sunday morning on ABC's THIS WEEK.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?
PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So no apologies for that?
PELOSI: No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.
Sun Jan 25 2009 22:13:43 ET
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic "stimulus" package, claiming "contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government." Pelosi, the mother of 5 children and 6 grandchildren, who once said, "Nothing in my life will ever, ever compare to being a mom," seemed to imply babies are somehow a burden on the treasury. The revelation came during an exchange Sunday morning on ABC's THIS WEEK.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Hundreds of millions of dollars to expand family planning services. How is that stimulus?
PELOSI: Well, the family planning services reduce cost. They reduce cost. The states are in terrible fiscal budget crises now and part of what we do for children's health, education and some of those elements are to help the states meet their financial needs. One of those - one of the initiatives you mentioned, the contraception, will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So no apologies for that?
PELOSI: No apologies. No. we have to deal with the consequences of the downturn in our economy.
English makes French seethe
The French have to recognise that the language war is lost. "We're just urinating on the ashes of the fire." A common passe-temps on Planet Pepe.
Mr. Balls conducts a study
Conclusion: Young people go further sexually than they planned when they are drunk. Duhhh...
A Spanish girl explains.
A Spanish girl explains.
Pat Kicks Planet Pepe In its Dhimmi Balls
As well he should
Fards For Allah,
not hallal,
Suicide of the West
Benny warns against too much FCP
If the desire for virtual connectedness becomes obsessive, it may in fact function to isolate individuals from real social interaction while also disrupting the patterns of rest, silence and reflection that are necessary. Duhhh...
AI the Computer Guy,
Band of Bloggers,
You don't say
Pepe Le Pew is no longer PC
The philosophy he represents — that masculine persistence in the face of manifest resistence, even outright revulsion, on the part of his female target, is a virtue worthy of reward — is out of step with the times. Life is a bitch.
Pepe: (sings) Affair d'amour? Affair d'coeur? Je ne sais quoi ... je vis en espoir. (Sniffs) Mmmm m mm ... un smella voo feenay ... (Hums)
Gendarme: Le kittee kel terriblay odeur!! Pard'm was ... Jo-seph ... après-midi le fudge is burning!
Proprietor: Allais Gendarme!! Allais!! Return-moi!! This instonce!! Oh, pauvre moi, I am ze banrupt ... (Sobs)
Cat: Le mew? Le purrrrrrr.
Proprietor: A-a-ahhh. Le pussee ferocious! Remove zot skunk! Zot cat-pole from ze premises!! Avec!!
Cat: (Smells skunk) Sniff, sniff, sniff-sniff, sniff-sniff.
Pepe: Quel es? ... Ahhh ... la belle femme skunk fatale!! Tch-tch.
Pepe: (sings) Affair d'amour? Affair d'coeur? Je ne sais quoi ... je vis en espoir. (Sniffs) Mmmm m mm ... un smella voo feenay ... (Hums)
Gendarme: Le kittee kel terriblay odeur!! Pard'm was ... Jo-seph ... après-midi le fudge is burning!
Proprietor: Allais Gendarme!! Allais!! Return-moi!! This instonce!! Oh, pauvre moi, I am ze banrupt ... (Sobs)
Cat: Le mew? Le purrrrrrr.
Proprietor: A-a-ahhh. Le pussee ferocious! Remove zot skunk! Zot cat-pole from ze premises!! Avec!!
Cat: (Smells skunk) Sniff, sniff, sniff-sniff, sniff-sniff.
Pepe: Quel es? ... Ahhh ... la belle femme skunk fatale!! Tch-tch.
Global warming strikes again

Saudi desert covered with 4 inches of snow. Pepe in denial. JJ cranks up the SUV, while MFT, AA & AI freeze their butts to varying degrees.
Cosmic Idiocy,
Gorebal Warming,
Iceland Dreams,
You don't say
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Dead Canaries Bring Glad Tide-ings to Planet Pepe
The War Is NOT Over Say Pepe's Puppeteers
Why should it be? After all, Little Ahmed hears this from Le Pew: "to the statement that the release of the AQ operative shows that the military does a piss poor job at establishing anybody's affiliation with IM. If anything, it further raises the question of whether the imprisonment of the others is justified."
And, as Little Ahmed, fresh from his studies of Harry Potter at Gitmo, can put two and two together to make four [five is only in PP arithmetic] he knows what the Ministry of Truth is trying to tell him through the mask of Pepe's pretended idiocy.
IF "the ricains let prisoners of war go free only for many to return to jihad" THEN "it is unjustified for ricains to keep any prisoners of war. All must go free". Which is truly marvelous, The more you wage War the less justified the Great Satan is in preventing you from engaging in War. So Absolute War makes any effort from the Ricains Absolutely Unjustified. Allaho Akhbar.
Who'd a thunk that, beneath his mask as Catamite for Kayla, Le Pew was FCPs ultimate Warmonger?.... Well, most of us have thunk it, but still lovely to see the Chumpion du Jour out hisself.
And, as Little Ahmed, fresh from his studies of Harry Potter at Gitmo, can put two and two together to make four [five is only in PP arithmetic] he knows what the Ministry of Truth is trying to tell him through the mask of Pepe's pretended idiocy.
IF "the ricains let prisoners of war go free only for many to return to jihad" THEN "it is unjustified for ricains to keep any prisoners of war. All must go free". Which is truly marvelous, The more you wage War the less justified the Great Satan is in preventing you from engaging in War. So Absolute War makes any effort from the Ricains Absolutely Unjustified. Allaho Akhbar.
Who'd a thunk that, beneath his mask as Catamite for Kayla, Le Pew was FCPs ultimate Warmonger?.... Well, most of us have thunk it, but still lovely to see the Chumpion du Jour out hisself.
Friday, January 23, 2009
First BBQ, Romanian, Carrib or otherwise...
Since we seem to be on the topic of BBQ: Pepsi has another interpretation. It may have taken place in what is known as the present day geopolitical borders of Romania, though...
Casa Portugal or Sunset Cafe'
The Aldeia and Porto, or The Fado and Lisbon? Both are good. Sunset is probably quieter and more apt to let people be left alone to eat and argue. Casa Portugal has the spiffier decor and cleaner ambience. Pick yer poison, AI.
Sunset Cafe
Casa Portugal
Like clockwork orange
Former Guantánamo Bay detainee emerges as the deputy leader of Al Qaeda's Yemeni branch. Surprise, surprise. Let's see how Pepe spins this story: oh, swell? acute islamophobia? Right-wing propaganda? Let all the Gitmo Binnie boyz go? IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT! All of the above? The pinko mind is both so predictable, and so unfathomable...
Banned Books in North Dakota (reversed)
John Berendt, who wrote "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil," the book banned for four days [in Beulah, North Dakota] until the school board reversed itself Monday night, followed every word in [the Bismarck] Tribune news stories and every word posted by the hundreds of people reacting to the story this week.
"I hadn't thought of North Dakota one way or another. I had no preconceived notions. Now I think more of the state," Berendt, 70, a New Yorker, said in a phone interview Wednesday from New Orleans.
Berendt said... he was impressed by... North Dakotans' "spirited defense," not only of his book, but in opposition to book banning in general, posted by blog contributors. "The comments were very reasonable and extremely sophisticated. If anything, it left me with a better impression [of North Dakota]," Berendt said.
"I hadn't thought of North Dakota one way or another. I had no preconceived notions. Now I think more of the state," Berendt, 70, a New Yorker, said in a phone interview Wednesday from New Orleans.
Berendt said... he was impressed by... North Dakotans' "spirited defense," not only of his book, but in opposition to book banning in general, posted by blog contributors. "The comments were very reasonable and extremely sophisticated. If anything, it left me with a better impression [of North Dakota]," Berendt said.
Dakota Territory,
North Dakota
It all started small
Those brokers amassed 1,313 sales in the three years. Through December, 455 of those properties were seized by banks. With foreclosure rates between 25 and 60 percent, the 21 brokers strayed from even the Back Gate's above-average foreclosure rate, which is 15 percent, by three standard deviations. Such large deviations from the average are almost impossible to achieve randomly, said Jim Lackritz, a statistics professor at San Diego State University. And of those 21, three brokers shattered the standard of impossibility, veering off the average rate by 10 standard deviations. "It's at that point where you have to use the Jim Carrey line from 'Dumb and Dumber': 'So you're saying there's a chance?' " Lackritz said. "Yeah, but not in your lifetime or mine."
You don't say! Deep statistics in all its glory.
You don't say! Deep statistics in all its glory.
Ministry of Truth At Work
Another Triumph of Pepeism.

Habeas corpus that, yer shithead Ricains. And stuff that 1st amendment up yer whazoo. Fer the world is Pepe's oyster and the wreckers and shirkers are gonna find whats what, Allaho Akhbar!
Yer see, Pepe, two simple truths, Mohammed was a pedophile and Islam is full of nasty ideology which makes it and socialists, whether commie's or nazis, buttbuddies, gets yer chopped or slammered in Pepe's Brave New Eurabia. And that's what you salivate at turning this country into.
So, c'mon, aristo chumpion du jour, let's see you get the dhimmicoppers to file charges against me. C'mon, live what you crap.
Either You See Reality, Or ........

One could say Le Pew joined this "preemptive fleeing" earlier than most, but then that wouldn't be consistent with his ululation at the prospect of making this country into the same kind of Vichy cesspool Eurabia is shaping up to be. Unless when young he had rationality and foresight, before [perhaps] Berkeley skullpronged him into mental dhimminitude.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
No more secret prisons ? What's this democracy coming to?
next thing you know, they'll reinstate habeas corpus, ban torture and then, it'll be the end of western civ.
Joys of the Welfare State
He will begin by passing every program for which liberals have lusted for decades. [..] The number of Americans who pay no federal income tax will rise from the current one-third of all households to more than half. In the process, he will create a permanent electoral majority that does not pay taxes, but counts on ever-expanding welfare checks from the government.
Joys of Planet Pepe

Of course, nowhere do we find in this article which party this politico is from. Standard operating procedure for the Pepean MSM.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Islam Militant Clearly Defined

Islam, “…a religion that believed in spreading the faith by the sword and subjugating all nations to that faith. Such a creed was perfectly suited to the Germanic temperament.” Hitler
NatSoc Hearts Islam
Islam Sees Vichyists are Useful Idiots
PepeSoc spreads for Islam
Islam Sees Pepeteers are Useful Idiots
You Don't Say
Chicago Did Think of This
Heart to Heart in the Balkans
Orwell's Babelfish of Truth

[1] Input, Vichy PepeSoc: "The court considers this so insulting for Muslims that it is in the public interest to prosecute Wilders," a summary of the court's decision said."
Output, Peasant English "Its in our interest not to be clobbered by Islam, so if we crush a critical voice maybe they let us live longer on our flexible knees"
[2] Input, Vichy PepeSoc: "This is a happy day for all followers of Islam who do not want to be tossed on the garbage dump of Naziism," Spong told reporters in Amsterdam."
Output, Peasant English: "Allaho Akhbar! We are the Nazis who get to do the dumping, and you are Kufr whose gonna get dumped!".
A stick in the eye
I hate it when this happens!
Don't Worry Be Happy,
Fortuna's Wheel,
shit happens
Hitchens on "Hope Mongering"

In this post, I noted two distinct crowd categories evident during the inauguration, and now that Obama has taken the CIC position. See what the old Hitch has to say about it all, bringing some gravity to enraged GOP'ers and swooning Political Liberals.

Remember: when the artillery is raining down around your forward observation command, keeping hysteria -- whether in the delusional form of anger or hope -- at bay is going to ensure you call in accurate and precise counterstrikes.
Putting things in perspective
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