Tuesday, March 31, 2009
A Pepean soul-mate
It's like Pepe, devoutly wishing the Dear Leader to point his nukes at Nawlins. You gotta give it to pinkos: they have a definite consistency in their thinking. So do lemmings.
almost all the key assertions the Bush administration made about Zubaida were wrong.
Zubaida wasn’t a major al Qaeda figure. He wasn’t holding back critical information. His torture didn’t produce valuable intelligence — and it certainly didn’t save lives.
Zubaida wasn’t a major al Qaeda figure. He wasn’t holding back critical information. His torture didn’t produce valuable intelligence — and it certainly didn’t save lives.
Oop! It wasn't Baltazar after all!
It was a beret-wearing bomb-thrower! Planeta Pepeae in excelsior!
Weiler Whales on his Wife
The back-and-forth between the blog comments are equally interesting.
Can you believe it: this guy's wife goes and calls the cops after getting shoved down by her legislator husband a couple times and completely sacrafices his future political career!!! (insert sarcasm here)
Then again, maybe Weiler's wife has the identical personna to an Ann Coulter or Hillary Clinton...
Can you believe it: this guy's wife goes and calls the cops after getting shoved down by her legislator husband a couple times and completely sacrafices his future political career!!! (insert sarcasm here)
Then again, maybe Weiler's wife has the identical personna to an Ann Coulter or Hillary Clinton...
Angry Bison,
Bad Americans,
North Dakota
HuffPo goes reactionary
...prints shiny object for wingnutz. Meanwhile, Palin opposes perverse sheaves of society,
So I'm stupid, eh?
Spengler on God, Google, Cats, Love, Humor, Russians, Jews, and Mephistopheles in the Archdiocese of Boston.
"Vat do you know from funny, you bastards?"
"Vat do you know from funny, you bastards?"
Obamakles Imperator is The Perfect Pepean Storm

Useful Idiots for the Thugs of this World,[like Koh] Rejoice; For you have nothing to lose but your brains!
Our Dear Imperator, He's going to drown this nation in one huge Green hued Socialist wave.
The Bill of Rights? Soon to be a quaint historical document in some obscure museum far from you.
Sharia over Nawlins? Koh-pascetic.
"addressing the Yale Club of Greenwich in 2007, Koh claimed that "in an appropriate case, he didn't see any reason why sharia law would not be applied to govern a case in the United States."
Much more of course....... bye-bye Kayla, for Kohla is here to pleasure your Pepe.
even the SFC is beginning to get it
Monday, March 30, 2009
Planet Pepe conflicted, big time
Obama has made a point of moving significantly on four issues that bedevilled US-European relations during the Bush years: climate change, Guantánamo, Iraq and Iran. ... Naturally, the Obama administration wants something in return from the Europeans. Yuk, yuk, yuk. Dream on.
VRWC on a roll!
FOX NEWS AT WORK through FOX TV NETWORKS??? lol it took them long enough. I THOUGHT FOX NEWS WAS GOING TO ATTACK OBAMA THROUGH THE SIMPSONS A LONG TIME AGO. This is an attack by the right, very carefully done with humor. They'll bring obama's popularity numbers down, some how, some way. EVEN IF IT TAKES USING ONE OF THE BIGGEST CARTOON ICONS ON TV.
One Last Flood Link

This photo shows the blizzard created by a blackhawk just after it dropped off Governor Hoeven and a squad of national guard soldiers. Both photos were taken last week on the Missouri River ice jam, immediately south of Bismarck.

I'll make you guys suffer this last link of the North Dakota flood coverage, this from Boston.com outlet. If the major Missouri River dams above Bismarck bust, well, then you may get one more really frantic blog followed by an indefinite period of silence from mft. But what the heck, eh?
Steyn Losing Hope.....
Cat and Pig at War

Poor Orwell, with Eliot he had a Snowball's chance in Harvard to get published. Pretty upfront about rejecting it for political reasons. His more literary criticisms would have just a wee bit more heft if TS wasn't the "honored" author of a bunch of indigestible, hooey dripping, cat poems [yeah, if you've ever suffered through "Cats" you can thank Mr. Eliot]
Next thing we'll find out is that Updike was behind O'Toole's difficulties in getting published.
The Grey Old Lady Helps Out Pepe
How thoughtful. Realizng that it's audience wants to embrace ignorance, the Ol' Ho' kindly gives them a pudenda full of blissful ignorance. And Obamakles rode that pony to Victory.
Joys of cell phones
Not only do they fry your brains. They also turn kids away from studying. Duhhh.
Horowitz harrumphs
While it's reasonable to be unhappy with a Democratic administration and even concerned because the Democrats are now a socialist party in the European sense, we are not witnessing the coming of the anti-Christ. Duh.
Through a combination of ineptitude and zeal, Obama has in two short months locked down the conservative and Republican base. Duh.
Through a combination of ineptitude and zeal, Obama has in two short months locked down the conservative and Republican base. Duh.
Lighten Up, Francis: An Allegiance PP can Pledge to

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Dose Evool Kapitalists and Rushsteins

So, when does the Two Minutes of Hate start? Le Pew is probably tired of shrieking virtually and anon. And Kayla is being gentler with him these days. Set Pepe Free, Let the Hate Start!
Hang Heer Kapital
Rushstein is Evoool
Socialism is Dada, O Free Market
Pat Loves The One
Little Ashley Loves The One
Obamakles Imperators
JoiseyGirl, or Education Pepe Can Believe In
Fargo, Ground Zero...
My uncle lives in Fargo, and I just received this e-mail from him regarding the flood, and potential for more flood. I thought I'd post it in the first comment section, as it represents an on-the-ground analysis rather than that of the national and international media that can, so often, start feeling generic. I found the "Code Red" civilian response force (see below) the most interesting, a sort of antithesis to Pepe's playland. And just the other day, a friend of mine who hails from Pittsburgh, and is readying to defend his doctoral history dissertation from U of Chicago, said, "Fargo's response to this flood, the entire community rallying, has literally restored my faith in humanity..."
We might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
We might as well enjoy it while it lasts.
Life is a Story Writ on Water,
North Dakota
Go Balthazar !
Too bad dubbyah doesn't believe in the travel thing. Would he share pino's cell on the occasion of his next trip to the UK ? All bets are off.
Clavo clavum eiciendum putant
Maxime autem admonen dus est quantus sit furor amoris omnibus enim ex animi per turbationibus est profecto nulla vehementior ut si iam ipsa illa accusare nolis stupra dico et corruptelas et adulteria incesta denique quorum omnium accusabilis est turpitudo, -- sed ut haec omittas perturbatio ipsa mentis in amore foeda per se est.
Romanian proverbs,
Seethe Rot seethe,
If Iraq isn't a VietNam,...
...we'll have to invent one. Meantime, Philips IDs the Pepean hierarchy, Obama's Arse being handed to him by Rasmussen, sodomite pedophiles reject Ayers, and Hitchens finds someone stupider than himself.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Notre Dame rehashes Pepean logic
What's the logic here? To dialogue with a public figure a school has to confer an honorary degree upon him? This makes no sense, but it is the kind of head-faking non sequitur that appeals to Jenkins. (And Pepe, of course.)
Merkel didn't get the memo

More surprisingly, neither did Pedro Solbes ("there is no room for new fiscal stimulus plans") -- though of course, Brown and Sarkozy play O-ball with abandon. The assault by European Union leaders represents a defeat for President Barack Obama, who is desperate for other big economies to copy his $800 billion stimulus plan. 800 measly billions? I thought Geithner is printing trillions. I say, let's get serious, and start talking about quadrillions.
[Added illus. so this post has a reason to live. -- Rot]
Experimental Biology on Planet Pepe
Danke, Le Pew, for leading the way to this insight into the Nobel prize winning work of your Radiant Future. The Universe has a sense of humor.
He Wants His Food to be Alive? Sick Chomper.
Here's what he is referring to, an ideology only marginally more intolerant than what is commonly championed on fcp.
A Geithner-run global economy
Notwithstanding the Treasury secretary's protestations that the Yes/No prompt buttons of Turbo Tax were too complex for a simple soul such as himself, it's no reflection on the hapless Geithner that he's unable to fix the planet. When the Bolsheviks chose to introduce Russians to the blessings of a "command economy" 90 years ago, they were dealing with a relatively simple agricultural society largely contained within national borders. Obama and Geithner are trying to do it with a sophisticated global economy in which North American consumers, European bankers, Asian suppliers, Saudi investors and Chinese debt-holders are more tangled than an octopuses' orgy.
Ah, but this is what pinkos have been dreaming of ever since Das Kapital. Seize the moment, and go for it. And let the stinking peasants foot the bill. That's what they're for.
Ah, but this is what pinkos have been dreaming of ever since Das Kapital. Seize the moment, and go for it. And let the stinking peasants foot the bill. That's what they're for.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Bung Bashers Come a Copper In Kaylastan
Now they tell us!
His performance has been weaker than those who endorsed his candidacy, including this newspaper, had hoped. Many of his strongest supporters—liberal columnists, prominent donors, Democratic Party stalwarts—have started to question him. Oopsie daisie. But not Pepe, no siree. He is more stalled than any wart up his wazoo.
MSM Party Line,
Obamacles Imperator,
You don't say
The Life of the Pepean Mind

Day at the office on Planet Pepe
PinkObama right for once and Pinkoalition unravels
Wonkette not amused at Alexander the Great's (Basileus of Macedon, Hegemon of the Hellenic League, Pharaoh of Egypt, Shahanshah of Persia) military pretentions on the banks of the Indus.
Books for Pepe
Fromage Frais, Baboon Metaphysiscs, and Curbside Consultation of the Colon. A Pepean GUT.
hail to planet pepe
When the Lancet smells blood

But these were the frauds that said 600000000000000000000000000000000 ± 0.000000000002 Iraqis had been killed by W, personally, so I dunno.
REGURGE FOR Maintenant and the AFP's sophomoric image of "St Peter's".
Pinko Nirvana
Obama and minions salivating, dreaming of killing whiteyland. Meanwhile, Obamptious enlists MoveOn to sway moderates to his side. Hmmm.
Evropeisky Soyuz
The Pinko Nirvana as a souped-up version of post-Prague Spring Czechoslovakia. Pepe ululates.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Our tax dollars hard at work
"If we are to release them [the Binnie boyz] in the United States, we need some sort of assistance for them to start a new life." I can't think of a better use for our tax dollars, except perhaps tripling the bonuses of those AIG financial geniuses, and making them tax exempt.
Nixon went to China so these twits wouldn't gang up?
Maybe Carter was right to say that the Commies were no big threat.
Rhambo in pinko hog heaven
As always, the insufferable, sanctimonious, preachy pinkos are the first in line at the trough. You don't say.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The three Rs of Planet Pepe
Twitter is one. What are the other two? I didn't quite get it. Whatever.
The great Franco-Canuck war
Who's gonna surrender first?
Geithner speaks
The US dollar lost ground on Wednesday as markets were roiled by Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner's seemingly contradictory remarks on a proposal that the greenback be replaced as a global reserve currency. Contradictory? Naahhh. This is how Pepean logic works. Sell! Sell! Sell!
Beelzebub Rejoices

So he fesses up to the public at large. His life was about smashing the prosperity of the West and preparing the ground for an unchallenged Socialism to rule us all [while grandiosely pillaging for personal profit along the way]. His Saudirian Candidate, and the Pepean cohorts that ululated at his triumph, are safely in charge. Ayer the Murderer is a Hero of the State. Coppers get massacred at will, and the worst of men run untrammeled through the ashened landscape. All's Well in his Brave New World.
just an update
There are two massive ice jams, one just north and one just south of Bismarck-Mandan, blocking up the Missouri River (ultimately Pepe's watershed). In the eastern part of the state, the Red River (the Hudson Bay watershed) has about another 12 feet before it crests (at least in Grand Forks). And as I type it continues snowing all throughout North Dakota. Holy beh-geezus.
Officials hope to break up the downstream ice jam, possibly using explosives. That jam, created by ice flowing down the Heart River, was made up of chunks of ice up to 3 feet thick and the size of small cars, Sando said.
"The ice is just solid as a rock," he said.
In the lingo of FCP: the Army needs to get in here and strafe those Missouri River ice jams like some terrorist training camp.
Pepe, get ready for when the ice breaks...
Officials hope to break up the downstream ice jam, possibly using explosives. That jam, created by ice flowing down the Heart River, was made up of chunks of ice up to 3 feet thick and the size of small cars, Sando said.
"The ice is just solid as a rock," he said.
In the lingo of FCP: the Army needs to get in here and strafe those Missouri River ice jams like some terrorist training camp.
Pepe, get ready for when the ice breaks...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Mooning the Grim Reaper
Why would you go from Hiroshima to Nakasaki in August, 1945, to get nuked a second time? Oh well, this man did it, and now he's 93, and still kicking. Good for him. Seethe, Darwin, seethe.
From Bullets to Water
The threat of flooding from the rising Red River has city officials considering everything to protect the city — even a portable wall system that shielded troops in Iraq and Afghanistan from bullets.

An item that defends American soldiers from bullets, and American civilians from flood? We'll have to see with the latter. Hope it all works out as planned, though.

An item that defends American soldiers from bullets, and American civilians from flood? We'll have to see with the latter. Hope it all works out as planned, though.
North Dakota,
Red Guarda
Iowahawk on fire
OK, he is overdoing this deVoorhies guy. No one is that much a de rigeur homme sérieux piéce de merde mouillard et fongique.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Mexican Alaska

A Glorious Victory for France
Turns out he broke his collarbone. "Mangez la Merde de Vichy, Cochon 'Ricain " ululates throughout Paree.
Fargo in contrast to New Orleans
Based on the reaction to natural disasters (flooding in this case), one might argue that Fargo doesn't have the raging humanity of a New Orleans.
North Dakota State University students are eager to sandbag in a situation like this.
Pepe and Rot, what do Tulane'ers and U of New Orleans undergrads and grads do during the prologue to a natural disaster?
North Dakota State University students are eager to sandbag in a situation like this.
Pepe and Rot, what do Tulane'ers and U of New Orleans undergrads and grads do during the prologue to a natural disaster?
New Orleans,
North Dakota
Sunday, March 22, 2009
True Irony

"The West Vancouver resident converted to Islam after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and runs a website, Jihad Unspun, that says it provides information “devoid of the constraints of mainstream media.” Her visa application to Pakistan said she was a freelance journalist working on a documentary for the Al-Jazeera television network.'
Über cool dude
Obama has never run anything other than his presidential campaign. He doesn't know the difference between governing and campaigning and he's sticking with what he knows. Duhhh...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Ho-hum day at the office on Planet Pepe
What filled me with despair was that seemingly sane people were discussing whether or not flushing a baby down the toilet was acceptable, as if the conclusion might be in doubt. Of course it's in doubt -- this is Planet Pepe, not Kansas anymore. Get on with the program, willya?
Going back to Russia
Still, not all Old Believer communities are as enthusiastic. The Rev. Nikolai Yakunin, a priest who leads one in Nikolaevsk, Alaska, said he was often asked whether he yearned to live in Russia. “We are not moving back,” he said. “They are still Communists there, even if they call themselves democrats.” Hmmm... Not everyone trusts Putin, eh?
AIG execs strap one on
Calm down, Pepe....meanwhile, Geithner is tied over the barrel for another week or two.
Joys of socialized medicine
OK, here's the point, Tecs. This is on the Canadians (and Mossad), as you suspected but couldn't substantiate. I owe you a VCP.
Buy or sell Geithner's stock?
Pepe's best case for keeping Geithner: Nobody wants to be his second in command, so how could the President expect anyone to want to be at the helm? Even if the President wanted to fire him, it would prove difficult to find someone to take his place. We are the ones we've been waiting for.
Joys of Birkenstock economics
President Obama has championed Smart Grid, and the recent stimulus bill allocated $4.5 billion for the high-tech program. You just know this is money down the drain. It's a law of nature.
Friday, March 20, 2009
The new R-word: ridiculous
when gringos will quit dreaming up new ways of being offended ? perhaps when the french stop striking.
Shyster hog heaven
At least some people are making out like bandits in this sordid affair. To make Pepe's chest swell with pride.
What's the point?
Who cares where those Renaults are made? You know, and I know, and we all know what their real purpose in life is.
President Orbamawell on fire!
Can't make this shit up. Hollywood and Krugman tiring of the pinko Moses. Oh well, just stonewall it, motherfuckers.
Barack Hussein Cheney,
the pinko Moses
Harvard pulls hard for obscurantism
We have found no consistent associations between condom use and lower HIV-infection rates, which, 25 years into the pandemic, we should be seeing if this intervention was working.
C'mon Pepe! Fight like a fag.
C'mon Pepe! Fight like a fag.
Everywhere dense distractions
Chris Dodd is scrambling mightily to avoid having the entire bonus mess laid at his feet. He blamed Treasury department staffers for inserting language into the stimulus bill that protected the bonuses. Dodd warned about the consequences of further mistakes, telling CNN: “The public confidence in our ability is being adversely affected — not just mildly, but seriously.” You don't say.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Joys of socialized medicine
Nice actress, but kind of stoopid to fall like that, on a beginner's slope. If this had happened in the US, she probably woulda have been taken to a hospital for a cat-scan, and doctors would have fixed her up -- no problemo. But in Pinkoland, things happen more slowly, so there you go. That's the model Pepe wants us to follow.
Pinkos reach back into their character
and pull out a dead fish. From beyond the grave. Hey guys, let's begin back Larry Craig! We need enforcers with a wide stance!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Catholic Church has long been on the front line of HIV care, he said, adding that it is probably the largest private provider of HIV care in the world.
there is a definite arsonist firefighter whiff to this.
there is a definite arsonist firefighter whiff to this.
Porky pig stories
Counterpoint. I say, pox on both houses.
bulls and cows,
Fat Asses,
killer potatoes,
Bible as History
An Idol for Our Age
The ultimate wax job comes to Planet Pepe
Grins the Grim Reaper,
Vir Dementis
And the bomb drops
Buy rubles, Pepe

Both President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin have repeatedly called for the ruble to be used as a regional reserve currency, although the idea has received little support outside of Russia. Put your money where your mouth is, willya?
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Obama's high moral ground
The soldier is the criminal. The US is Nazi Germany. Even pinko Dems aren't happy.
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em
Don Imus joins the Grievance Society. Nappy-headed hos and their shysters got him in the end...
UPDATE: Cosmic alignment.
UPDATE: Cosmic alignment.
Rageboy Obama starts Reichstag fire
There's that steady hand at the tiller...dividing and individuating targets. Meanwhile, WaPo puts heat on Obama and exonerates Dodd. How did that happen? Someone drop a minus sign? Steyn on shame and death.
Capitalist pigs will be capitalist pigs
Duhhh. And this gives The One the chance to posture. OK, OK. But then, why did he (and W before him) hand out $173 billion of our tax dollars to these greedy idiots, who lost the money in the first place, by gambling with other people's savings? Having a free market entails letting greedy idiots go bankrupt. As is, we are borrowing the worst aspects of both systems (capitalism and socialism), for the crummiest synthesis since Juan and Evita Perón messed up Argentina.
REGURGE for Jake Tapper exposing the posturer. Double duh...
REGURGE for Jake Tapper exposing the posturer. Double duh...
Monday, March 16, 2009
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