Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Berkeley is so pissed at Yoo!

Waxman and Stupak
Don't cry for us, Argentina
In 1914, it was one of the wealthiest countries in the world, and its living standard exceeded that of Western Europe until the late 1950s. Then President Juan Peron squandered his nation's prosperity by introducing a host of redistributionist economic and regulatory policies, nationalizing utilities and foreign investments, and pumping up the national debt. What followed was three decades of political instability, growing dependency, and economic stagnation.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
A knuckledragger's lament
Spreading the wealth: the government is charging 2.8 percent to borrow the money and 6.8 percent to lend it to the students, and spending the difference on the new health-care bill and other programs. On a $25,000 student loan, which is an average loan, the amount the government will overcharge will average between $1,700 and $1,800.
Sure, He's The Master of Time....But Can Putin Keep Those Trains on Track?
Regurge for a question. Do you think these assholes blew up the subway station under Putin's old office just by chance or is that building still what it was when Vlad worked there?
Coalition of the willing
Pepe off his meds?
REGURGE. Your typical Pepe rant: 'So, in a nutshell, I do not want my children, my gays and lesbians, to serve in the war zones as of now, because very, very shortly . . . I am going to destroy every man and woman that serves in the Armed Forces because the leaders do not listen to me. I am the messiah. . . . They do not listen.''
HuffPo getting Huffy
Regime!! Someone might hurt KSM! Oh no! The bamboo shoots were for Merrill Lynch!
When AmeriSoc was young
The NRA was adapted almost entirely from "corporatism," the economic system of Italian fascism. [..] Much in the way of the amusing, obnoxious, and appalling went on under the NRA, including the hiring of an American Duce to run the thing, Nuremberg-type torchlight parades to celebrate its debut, and the establishment of a secret police force in New York to ferret out violators.
Monday, March 29, 2010
WTF am I doing here??
In the Face Lab study, women with the weakest masculinity preferences tended to live in some of the healthiest countries: Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Austria.
The chicks here like Zacharia and I ended up here??
O Fortuna, you bitch!
The chicks here like Zacharia and I ended up here??
O Fortuna, you bitch!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Yet another Palin=Reagan paean secretly penned by Herr Rot
True, she seems to know very little about international affairs, but expertise in this area is no guarantee of wise leadership. [..] What she does know—and in this respect, she does resemble Reagan—is that the United States has been a force for good in the world, which is more than Barack Obama, whose IQ is no doubt higher than hers, has yet to learn.
If this is not pure Rot (well, except for the bit about Reagan, who, like WFB, still sticks in Rot's throat), I don't know what is.
If this is not pure Rot (well, except for the bit about Reagan, who, like WFB, still sticks in Rot's throat), I don't know what is.
We're winning the War on Poverty!
According to President Obama's budget projections, federal and state welfare spending will total $10.3 trillion over the next 10 years (FY 2009 to FY 2018). This spending will equal $250,000 for each person currently living in poverty in the U.S., or $1 million for a poor family of four. Over the next decade, federal spending will equal $7.5 trillion, while state spending will reach $2.8 trillion. These figures do not include any of the increases in health care expenditure currently being debated in Congress.
madoff mullah,
Marx or bust,
pinko economics
Spengler follows Peters in pulling his hair out
Getting Iran involved IS the administration’s “exit strategy.” Obama wants an ALLIANCE with Iran. And that’s why he picked a fight with Netanyahu over the non-issue of apartment construction in a part of North Jerusalem that every draft piece plan agrees will remain Israeli. If Israel hits Iran’s nuclear capacity, the deal is off. [..]
Obama is following Gates’ and Brzezinski’s recommendation to the letter, but also the point of absurdity. It is the stupidest, most reckless, and most destructive foreign policy action the United States has taken in my lifetime.
Don't worry, be happy--says Herr Rot. Have some more ouzo.
Obama is following Gates’ and Brzezinski’s recommendation to the letter, but also the point of absurdity. It is the stupidest, most reckless, and most destructive foreign policy action the United States has taken in my lifetime.
Don't worry, be happy--says Herr Rot. Have some more ouzo.
Mac vs JD: the gap is closing
.. despite Palin trying to lift up Jean-Francois. Isn't he old enough to retire by now?
Obamamentum from HC"R" seems gone quick
So, our strengthened president thought he had earned the political capital to surrender an ally to his co-Husseins and pack commissions with communists, terrorists, random UChicago Marxist shit and further wreck the economy and intimidate business...but the gutless, bought, sewer-brothel of the US House of Reprehensibles actually is pushing back on this?
A Lagrangian for Obava.
UPDATE: Obama minion says hey, Bibi didn't really feel like ham hocks for like dinner, the kids were noisy, the camera was broken, it was windy outside, err, and you know, some of my best friends are Israel-creeps.
Another update: Some wag says Obama is Israel's disaster! Hahahah. Hell, he's America's disaster. Who cares about Israel at this point?
A Lagrangian for Obava.
UPDATE: Obama minion says hey, Bibi didn't really feel like ham hocks for like dinner, the kids were noisy, the camera was broken, it was windy outside, err, and you know, some of my best friends are Israel-creeps.
Another update: Some wag says Obama is Israel's disaster! Hahahah. Hell, he's America's disaster. Who cares about Israel at this point?
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Planet Pepe deeply conflicted
More inter-Pepean conflicts. That's what happens when pinko "logic" starts to implode...
Stat-boy! What does it mean...
for the support to be volatile and the evil Nazis to be steady? Maybe AA or your brilliant colleague can help with this.
Taking advantage of Canadian tax rates
Hah! So you see, Herr Rot, by simply standing still, Canada is now less Socialist than us. OK, I'm heading up north.
Friday, March 26, 2010
All revved up

Fast cars,
non-pinko food,
rotten dreams
OK, this must be a joke
The Likud leader has to try to square the rigorous demands of the Obama Administration with his nationalist, ultra-Orthodox coalition partners, who want him to stand up to Washington even though Israel needs US backing in confronting the threat of a nuclear Iran.
Divus Barackus Obamus Pater Patriae,
Ralph Peters pulling his hair out
UPDATE: This article seems to have been written before this. Well, the Dems are in, so all the commies are happy, everywhere.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hell, if we're going to be socialist, let's be socialist all across the board
So says this fat ass from Fargo. Now they tell us!
hero of Planet Pepe,
Marx or bust,
North Dakota
Steyn talks to Rot
Take a city like Vienna. Once upon a time it was an imperial capital. The empire busted up, but the capital still had magnificent architecture, handsome palaces, treasure houses of great art, a world-class orchestra, fabulous restaurants . . . who wouldn’t enjoy such “decline”? You benefit from all the accumulated capital of the past without being troubled by any of the tedious responsibilities. Have another coffee and a piece of strudel and watch the world go by.
REGURGE to savor Tecs' and AA's idiotic comments.
REGURGE to savor Tecs' and AA's idiotic comments.
Hairy Reed gets the bone
Prof Tecs takes a post in the Conflict Studies Dept
11. So?
REGURGE: Steyn ♥s Coulter. Tecs, bereft, seethes.
REGURGE: Steyn ♥s Coulter. Tecs, bereft, seethes.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Pissing in the wind

Obamas to the Left of Them, McCains to the Right of Them
The Gray Lady crows
Showing its true face. Shocka!
AmeriSoc Da Bootyfull,
The New York Slimes
Portugal is not Greece?
Looking for a silver lining: Analysts, meanwhile, said that while the downgrade wasn't good news, Portugal still is in better shape than Greece. "The downgrade, from AA to AA-, leaves Portugal's rating well above Greece's BBB+..."
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Snotty Brit expresses my thoughts

Aahhh the British,
Tecs' fruity thinktank
AQ top honcho walks away from Gitmo, scot-free
Among Slahi's most notorious recruits were four of the September 11 conspirators, all of whom were members of the infamous Hamburg cell. .. Slahi arranged for Ramzi Binalshibh, al Qaeda's point man for the 9/11 operation, and three of his cohorts to travel from Germany to Afghanistan so that they could train in al Qaeda's camps and swear allegiance to Osama bin Laden. Binalshibh's three friends were: Mohammed Atta, Marwan al Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah--the suicide pilots of American Airlines Flight 11, United Airlines Flight 175, and United Airlines Flight 93, respectively. Of course, Planet Pepe portrays the fellow as a victim of Amerikkka.
Enronesque legerdemain

Monday, March 22, 2010
Brit pissing up a rope
Above all the health care bill is a thinly disguised vanity project for a president who is committed to transforming the United States from the world’s most successful large-scale free enterprise economy, to a highly interventionist society with a massive role for centralized government. You don't say.
AmeriSoc Da Bootyfull,
We're So Fucked
Tecs' Vanity Press claims...
...wait for it: It's All Bush's Fault!
Meanwhile, K-Lo's gone from bluntest pencil in the box to bluntest object in the house.
Meanwhile, K-Lo's gone from bluntest pencil in the box to bluntest object in the house.
Spreading the wealth around
C'mon, boys, what are you complaining about? This is one campaign promise that was explicitly made, and now is being kept. That part we can't bitch about: Ricains voted for Socialism in 2008 with open eyes, in full knowledge. So, keep a stiff upper lip and suck it up, willya?
A Book Review: On a Theme of FCP and a Riff of Rot

" If Wolfe’s description of Dupont [University] accurately portrays the character of our elite universities, then the dissolution of the American way of life is nearly complete. Our ancient faith is no longer a vibrant and effective part of the education of future leaders. Our ability to perpetuate our culture and our constitutional soul will wither alongside our belief in the soul itself. As Lincoln understood, once it loses its ancient faith, the Republic cannot long endure"
It Takes Mullah to Keep Those Brown Shirts Starched, Komrads

By the way, since when did the President acquire the power to fund civilian institutions on his personal whim? Or is ACORN now an integral part of AmeriSoc's governance? Can Obama now order the funding of the Dems? Did Bush have the power, should he have wanted it, to order the funding of the Boy Scouts? La Raza? Akaka? Can Byrd request Obamakles send off a stipend to the Grand Order of the Klu Klux Klan; as a token of appreciation for support well given? Why not just go straight to his love, his inspiration, and build a Le Corbuserien monstrosity for the Commie Party? Heck, make it on prime real estate by the River Charles [who needs a fuckin' Esplanade for that stinkin bourgeois July 4th frivolity, anyway?]
This is glorious, this Planet Pepe we now have the joy of living in.
Meanwhile, on the Hussein Front.
Ah, Islamic Justice, conscientious coppers, the dhimmi role for the People of the Book, and the peaceful inner struggle that is Jihad. This our Obamakles can Respect.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Saturday, March 20, 2010
More denialists
Gwen, Cameron Mills, New York, March 18th, 2010, 1:57 pm
Will all those individuals who missed the 'elective' diversity training last year please stand up? No one obliges because they are out in front of the White House carrying signs of their President painted to resemble hitler. Or, they carry signs saying: "No socialized medicine and keep your hands off my Social Security." It's enough to make a diversity trainer weep.
Actually, it's making me laugh my ass off.
Will all those individuals who missed the 'elective' diversity training last year please stand up? No one obliges because they are out in front of the White House carrying signs of their President painted to resemble hitler. Or, they carry signs saying: "No socialized medicine and keep your hands off my Social Security." It's enough to make a diversity trainer weep.
Actually, it's making me laugh my ass off.
Pepe goes to war
There's the oberlieutenant and the underlieutenant...
REGURGE for this similar article. The difference is that there are comments here. For example, the brilliant In what manner and position were they handcuffed?
REGURGE for this similar article. The difference is that there are comments here. For example, the brilliant In what manner and position were they handcuffed?
Friday, March 19, 2010
Malor's count
REGURGE: Tecs' rageboy looking for Noonan blood! He cares not about the new prescription! He's seething about this disgusting and immoral rehabilitation of apparatchik cutthroat Mengele Noonan.
Racism takes hold
Tying his record. Gee, might this have something to do with Obamacare and reconciliation and all that?
Tecs deVoorhees rethinks creases in pants
Is this where we thought we would end up when Obama was speaking so beautifully in Iowa or promising to put away childish things?
Err, yes?
Err, yes?
Thursday, March 18, 2010
When Pepe changes blades
A colleague of mine is married to a thrifty Frenchman who waits at least two months before changing razor blades. He has gone as long as six months. When he does change blades, it feels "like a warm knife through butter," says Jean-Philippe Masson, 36 years old. "If you changed every week, you would not appreciate that pleasure." That's the French way.
Same with deodorant. And underwear.
Same with deodorant. And underwear.
Vote with me or I'll hold my breath till I'm blue in the face!
AA goes into apoplectic rage!

Already, members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus have threatened to vote against the Senate bill for provisions that they argue would bar access to health care for even legal immigrants; prevent illegal immigrants from using their own money to purchase health insurance from the proposed health insurance exchanges; and would erect overly burdensome barriers to enrollment for Latino families and children.
La Raza is further to the right than AA's spandex fruitypants war hero Kerry! AA the libtard! Get the portwine and make it ruby red!
Putin doesn't get the memo
While we're putzing around, like deer caught in the headlights, and while Rot is going the full Pepe, cheering on the rot, the Rooskies are taking care of business, with a little help from Rot's buddy in Habana. As someone once said, nature abhors a vacuum.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Hero of Planet Rot knocking some heads
Ah, but don't worry -- says Rot -- Castro is just a run-of-the-mill Jefe. No Stalinist bone in him. No siree.
Another corpse-chewer trying for ideological purity
When Dick Armey isn't a real righty, then only Tecs (Kos of the right) is the distilled essence.
Statistica da puta
Pepean arithmetic: Well, a lot of those folks, your employer it’s estimated would see premiums fall by as much as 3,000 percent [sic], which means they could give you a raise. (Applause.)
REGURGE: Of course, das Rotter shares the dearly held Pepean belief that Obamacare will cut his taxes, cut his premiums,and lead to eternal blissfulness. It's gonna be a long wait.
REGURGE: Of course, das Rotter shares the dearly held Pepean belief that Obamacare will cut his taxes, cut his premiums,and lead to eternal blissfulness. It's gonna be a long wait.
pinko chutzpah,
Rot buys a pig in a poke
But, but, says Rot, the Slaughter House rule is great!
Just as Rot starts pulling hard for socialized medicine, Gallup finds, for the first time, that A less than D. It's a theorem: the moment Rot starts favoring someone (like Mac) or something (like Obamacare) -- it goes down.
Rot agitates for a gag law
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The most open ... evah

I first posted this story on March 13th. No comment (just like Gibbs). OK, here is an update. Quite a bit in there. This story has legs, boys.
Herr Rot is no match for the locals
While Carla is getting tired.
gringas putas,
gringos putos,
Seethe Rot seethe
A masterly spin job on a rather grubby contest about taxes
.. says Conrad Black about the American Revolution. They don't feed him good enough porridge down there in the Big House?
When RomneyCare morphs into ObamaCare
“If President Obama and the Democrats repeat the mistake of the health insurance reform adopted here in Massachusetts on a national level, they will threaten to wipe out the American economy within four years,” says Timothy P. Cahill, the Massachusetts treasurer.
Mistakes? You Sure, Pritchard?

Monday, March 15, 2010
Good Luck, and Don't Fuck This Up For Us...
Click on the title link. Then use the magnifying glass to zoom in on the article. Such topics are:
"ALGORITHMS, MOFO! DO YOU SPEAK IT?! So how can you sum up the last 10,000 years of scientific discovery in a completely universal way? Easy: MATH. The aliens won't know who Pythagoras was, but they'll sure as shit know his theorem. The right triangle will show our alien visitors, without any doubt, that humans are scientific-minded..."
"ALGORITHMS, MOFO! DO YOU SPEAK IT?! So how can you sum up the last 10,000 years of scientific discovery in a completely universal way? Easy: MATH. The aliens won't know who Pythagoras was, but they'll sure as shit know his theorem. The right triangle will show our alien visitors, without any doubt, that humans are scientific-minded..."
Grand Unified Theory,
Humans are the 5th Ape,
Rot's bête noire at it again
Says Rot: I think attorneys can argue what they want and they can associate with whomever they please, be they Stalinists, Maoists, or lunatics. Right. Like, hire private investigators to take surveillance photos of CIA agents and hand them off to other [shysters], who then showed them to top members of al Qaeda — thereby identifying for the terrorists the agency's interrogators and, potentially, tipping the terrorists off to the locations where the agents' families live. Ululululu, says Pepe (of course). Et tu, Brute?
Womanly leadership
As explained in typical pinko psycho-babble: I think we’ve been talking about having women in leadership positions, and Obama’s attitude to leadership is really a very womanly one, you know, which is consensual, which is thought through, which calms the temperature down of the world...
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Marjaing on Palin: Semper Fi contra da Semper Flee
Pinko shysters
Ah, nothing to see here, says Herr Rot. It's just one of those Andy McCarthy extremist tirades. Whatever, dude.
Not a decent campaign pitch, Tecs, but wonderfully scurrilous cartoon.
Breitbart thugs gloating indecently, particularly with their illus.
Tecs' bogeyman slams Axelrod in the gut.
Breitbart thugs gloating indecently, particularly with their illus.
Tecs' bogeyman slams Axelrod in the gut.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Staring into the jaws of death
Dumb zebra. Why would she trust that hippo? And, why clean his teeth in the first place?
Jonah Goldberg tries to draw a fine line
.. between Rot's whole-hearted embrace of the kiss-AQ-butt shysters and Tecs' ritual invocation of Article 3, Section 3. Hmmm...
Of course Tecs thinks this kind of talk is
Ralph Peters does a Rotten impersonation
You don't build character by punching your ticket at today's Ivy-League universities, then dashing straight into politics. You don't?
Friday, March 12, 2010
The call of the wild

In touch with the ground
I'm on the hunt I'm after you
Smell like I sound I'm lost in a crowd.
And I'm hungry like the wolf.
Straddle the line in discord and rhyme
I'm on the hunt I'm after you.
Mouth is alive with juices like wine
And I'm hungry like the wolf
Mexico invades Brownsville
Thursday, March 11, 2010
These people will stop at nothing II
Bashers in the GOP smell blood. What did Nancy know and when?
UPDATE: Quashed.
UPDATE: Quashed.
These people will stop at nothing
This will get ugly. No wonder Napolitano is worried about Americans.
Looks like Slaughter is dead. You see, Tecs? I told you not to get all upset and go into a full-blown wild-eyed panic like your hero Andy McCarthy. But would you listen? No, of course not. Everything Rot says is pure unadulterated feelgoodism, ouzo-abuse, and Chamberlainian appeasement, (not that we're allowed to criticize the Brits about anything on this blog).
Looks like Slaughter is dead. You see, Tecs? I told you not to get all upset and go into a full-blown wild-eyed panic like your hero Andy McCarthy. But would you listen? No, of course not. Everything Rot says is pure unadulterated feelgoodism, ouzo-abuse, and Chamberlainian appeasement, (not that we're allowed to criticize the Brits about anything on this blog).
K-Lo all huffy
about WFB's adulation sheet not getting the respect Roger Ailes' does. It's about national security!! It's about WFB!!
Hölder's old briefs in a twist.
Hölder's old briefs in a twist.
Better late than never
...you know, there were probably some people out there still wondering about the outcome.
Let Da Women Rule, da Wreckers, and Den da Men do Rue
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Eating crauwe!
Former President George W. Bush’s gut instinct that this region craved and needed democracy was always right. It should have and could have been pursued with much better planning and execution. This war has been extraordinarily painful and costly. But democracy was never going to have a virgin birth in a place like Iraq, which has never known any such thing.
Of course Tecs, AA, and Pepe were pulling for the surrendocrats.
Of course Tecs, AA, and Pepe were pulling for the surrendocrats.
Rotten paradise
Pulling hard for pinko nirvana: McC is pretty overwrought, but he's at his worst when he's warning and warning and warning about how if the Dems pass anything on health, then it will be irreversible and a catastrophe. Yawn.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Kazakhstan > California
Stereophonic Musical Listenings That Have Been Origin in Moving Film "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan".
Rot's bête noire rails against a bogeyman or another
“Just keep saying ‘Cheney’” is not an effective argument when the public is more comfortable hearing “Cheney” than, say, “Holder.” Naahh, says Rot. Hölder is much better.
Calamity Jihad Jane
From comments: Recruiting for an enemy we are at war with? That's treason; hang her. But, but, says Rot--Article 3, Section 3 never applies.
Drudge and Breitbart thugs having a blast
Tue Mar 09 2010 08:53:37 ET
Just as the healthcare drama in the capitol reaches a grand finale, congressional officials are warning employees to avoid the DRUDGE REPORT!
The Senate's Committee on Environment and Public Works issued an urgent email late Monday claiming the DRUDGE REPORT is 'responsible for the many viruses popping up throughout the Senate.'
The committee ordered hill staff: 'Try to avoid' the DRUDGE REPORT 'for now'.
On Monday DRUDGE served over 29 million pages with NOT ONE email complaint received about 'pop ups', or the site serving 'viruses'.
The site was seen 149,967 times since March 1st from users at senate.gov and 244,347 times at house.gov. [10,825 visits from the White House, eop.gov]
The Systems Administrator may want to continue taking her antibiotic until the prescription runs out.
So Fox picked it up. What a surprise. The anti-American kkkabal trying to avoid Obama's censorship even though it's good for us.
Tue Mar 09 2010 08:53:37 ET
Just as the healthcare drama in the capitol reaches a grand finale, congressional officials are warning employees to avoid the DRUDGE REPORT!
The Senate's Committee on Environment and Public Works issued an urgent email late Monday claiming the DRUDGE REPORT is 'responsible for the many viruses popping up throughout the Senate.'
The committee ordered hill staff: 'Try to avoid' the DRUDGE REPORT 'for now'.
On Monday DRUDGE served over 29 million pages with NOT ONE email complaint received about 'pop ups', or the site serving 'viruses'.
The site was seen 149,967 times since March 1st from users at senate.gov and 244,347 times at house.gov. [10,825 visits from the White House, eop.gov]
The Systems Administrator may want to continue taking her antibiotic until the prescription runs out.
So Fox picked it up. What a surprise. The anti-American kkkabal trying to avoid Obama's censorship even though it's good for us.
It's all Larry Summers' fault!!!
What's an SM in math? Bitching about grad school: I loved doing math when I was an undergraduate. I was a top honors student at Berkeley. I also ran the math club there, which was fun. When I got to MIT, it was a lot different. No one was teaching anybody anything in the class. It was sort of like, you've already read it and we're just going to remind you. I don't know if that's always the case in math graduate school, or maybe it's just MIT. And [the subject matter] was just many, many orders of magnitude more inaccessible [than in college]. You don't say.
pinko math
...of course Tecs thinks we should check with Kerry first.
...and none of this could be Rahm's fault.
It's the wackos' fault!
Perhaps we have to accept that there is no simple solution to public disbelief in science. The battle over climate change suggests that the more clearly you spell the problem out, the more you turn people away. If they don't want to know, nothing and no one will reach them. There goes my life's work.
I haven't laughed so hard in years!
I haven't laughed so hard in years!
Life is a bitch,
Tecs Rove Evil Genius
Inspiring article
I have had the good fortune never to live in a dictatorship but I know plenty of people who have. From some of them, the Russians, particularly, I have gotten the vibe that all this ``dermocracy" stuff is window-dressing. It's mob rule; it's a stupid circus,... Fine, there's something to that for sure, Mencken would agree and he was a firm democrat.
Problem is that these people will go on to say that, for example, Russians ``need a firm hand'' in control, and that democracy, though a distraction for dupes in the States, wouldn't pass muster for a nation of Shafarevitches.
How to square that with this article? Are the national characters so different and Americans are similar in their tastes for entertainment to Arabs in Iraq and Chinese in Taiwan? Or is it that the Russians I know are disappointed that democracy made a U-turn in Russia and is headed toward a dictatorship with the consent of the governed (if that makes any sense)?
Maybe all these news articles are BS and the Iraqis don't give a shit about all this, but if you're risking your life to vote, it sure seems like a big deal.
REGURGE: Iraq = Palau?
Problem is that these people will go on to say that, for example, Russians ``need a firm hand'' in control, and that democracy, though a distraction for dupes in the States, wouldn't pass muster for a nation of Shafarevitches.
How to square that with this article? Are the national characters so different and Americans are similar in their tastes for entertainment to Arabs in Iraq and Chinese in Taiwan? Or is it that the Russians I know are disappointed that democracy made a U-turn in Russia and is headed toward a dictatorship with the consent of the governed (if that makes any sense)?
Maybe all these news articles are BS and the Iraqis don't give a shit about all this, but if you're risking your life to vote, it sure seems like a big deal.
REGURGE: Iraq = Palau?
Here's why y'all's posts always break clean into 5 parts
Idiotia politica est divisa in partes quinque.
An antidote to Andy McCarthy's hysterical conspiracism.
An antidote to Andy McCarthy's hysterical conspiracism.
Monday, March 08, 2010
King Barry V

"From this day until it all goes broke,
But we in it shall be remembered-
We few, we ballsy few, we band of fuckers;
For he to-day that sheds his approval ratings with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er entangle in scandals so vile,
This day shall gentle his legacy;
And squishy Dems from swing states now in flight
Shall think themselves accurs'd they chickened out,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That voted with us upon Reconciliation day."
Massa's side of the story

Massa going to pull down the Dems with him like Scozzafava?
Ace wins all headline wars. Jeez this is scurillous genius.
REGURGE: Is Rahm going to be Beck and Breitbart's next scalp? Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, but I would rather they go after the lefties than the moderates. I guess from their point of view, anything that weakens the WH is a good thing. Perhaps, but I doubt it.
An old post of ours.
REGURGE: AllahPundit throws in his 2 cents. --tecs
Taranto and Palin crush Tecs (again)
How's that hopey, changey stuff workin' out for ya?
BTW, Taranto's bottom Bottom story of the day was yours. He owes you a VCP.
BTW, Taranto's bottom Bottom story of the day was yours. He owes you a VCP.
Seems about right. I didn't think Rahm could be a retard
UPDATE: Tomasky asks Tecs' question and smells a raht.
REGURGE: Ace seems to be the one with the best headline for this story.
REGUPDATE: Another bus?
UPDATE: NYT schlumps around to the story from Axelrod's POV. Shock.
REGURGE: It's coming from the lefties? Does that make Tecs not Rove?
REGURGE: Ace seems to be the one with the best headline for this story.
REGUPDATE: Another bus?
UPDATE: NYT schlumps around to the story from Axelrod's POV. Shock.
REGURGE: It's coming from the lefties? Does that make Tecs not Rove?
Tecs! Don't laugh at AA's sandwich!
Ministry of Equality? Equality police. Equality courts. Equality prison. Equality chair.
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Rott's Suspicions Confirmed: The Sordid Evidence
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