Friday, April 30, 2010
Trying to deconstruct Rotten Logik
.. is a slow, painful process. It's like debugging 10 pages of spaghetti code, replete with aimless GoTo statements, and infinite Do loops. And here is someone cutting through the NYT story line, which simply rehashes das Rotter's narrative.
Defining the meaning of "lawful" to propitiate Herr Rotter
“It was the intent of the legislature for ‘lawful contact’ to mean arrests and stops, but people on the left mischaracterized it,” says Kris Kobach, the law professor and former Bush Justice Department official who helped draft the law. “So that term is now defined. [..] They are minor changes to clarify some of the terms the ACLU and others had been distorting in public. In an abundance of caution, the legislature and the governor’s office have made a few minor adjustments to respond to the mischaracterizations.”
The lengths one has to go to quiet Rot down once he gets on his high horse...
The lengths one has to go to quiet Rot down once he gets on his high horse...
Not from Planet Rot
But Schwartz and some other Americans with Hispanic backgrounds who spoke with CNN say the problem with illegals isn't just the jobs they take. It's how they're overrunning border towns like Phoenix, turning them into "mini-Mexicos" with their trash-filled streets and loud music, according to Schwartz.
Of equal concern to her friend, Martha Payan, is how she says illegal immigrants "fleece" government coffers by collecting welfare on multiple children, or vanish without a trace after an arrest or a hospital visit.
Of equal concern to her friend, Martha Payan, is how she says illegal immigrants "fleece" government coffers by collecting welfare on multiple children, or vanish without a trace after an arrest or a hospital visit.
Rick Perry, pinko libtard
“Recently, there has been much debate over immigration policy in Washington and what has been implemented in Arizona. I fully recognize and support a state’s right and obligation to protect its citizens, but I have concerns with portions of the law passed in Arizona and believe it would not be the right direction for Texas.
“For example, some aspects of the law turn law enforcement officers into immigration officials by requiring them to determine immigration status during any lawful contact with a suspected alien, taking them away from their existing law enforcement duties, which are critical to keeping citizens safe.
More Birkenstocks.
“For example, some aspects of the law turn law enforcement officers into immigration officials by requiring them to determine immigration status during any lawful contact with a suspected alien, taking them away from their existing law enforcement duties, which are critical to keeping citizens safe.
More Birkenstocks.
Lowry trying to muddy the water
No, Junior, every ambulance chaser in the Legislature knows what lawful contact is. They removed it for a reason. It is not packaging, it's the law.
Rotter paradise
A nation of hicks, ignoramuses, and Honeckerians
.. except for the Magnificent Rot, the font of all wisdom when it comes to the Law.
"Lawful contact" is out
Another change replaces the phrase "lawful contact" with "lawful stop, detention or arrest" to apparently clarify that officers don't need to question a victim or witness about their legal status.
What the hell do you expect? Even Arizonans knew that was beyond the pale to call immigration about witnesses! Can you imagine?
Did you see anything, Pedro?
Fok no, mang.
Of course it wasn't beyond anything for Rightarded chess playing cheerleaders Tecs and AA.
What the hell do you expect? Even Arizonans knew that was beyond the pale to call immigration about witnesses! Can you imagine?
Did you see anything, Pedro?
Fok no, mang.
Of course it wasn't beyond anything for Rightarded chess playing cheerleaders Tecs and AA.
And now Rot drops Palin like a hot potato
.. while raging as his erstwhile heartthrob. Sic transit gloria mundi...
enemy of Planet Rot,
The Scouring of Palin
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Tecs stole ouzo meme from Krauthammer!!
You owe him like a billion VCPs now, Tecs. I hope he finds you too.
Is is what Obamakles Says Is is.
The Horror Revealed.

A Cheat Sheet For Rott
Not AA
A Rotten Reading
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Pullin for Kerry
Democrats’ only real shot at winning the seat then is if Hayworth can win the primary, and we find Glassman leading Hayworth 42-39 in such a scenario. Hayworth is extremely unpopular with only 23% of voters holding a favorable opinion of him to 50% with an unfavorable one.
Awesome! Four More Years!
Go to hell. See you in court. Dead on.
Awesome! Four More Years!
Go to hell. See you in court. Dead on.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Tecs' heartthrob, Erich Honecker Arizoniensis

[UPDATE: Pepea channeling Rot's talking points, in full force. --Tecs]
[REGURGE: Al Sharpton and Herr Rot get ready to march on Phoenix. --T.]
REREGURGE for Pinko Varadarajan. I almost haven't the heart to tell this moron.
REGURGE again. Stupid is as stupid does. Goddammit. The Arizontards have given the Dems an opening.
Goldberg tries his best at NRO.
Independent definition of "lawful contact".
Karl Rove, Libtard.
Unclear on the Constitution. Meh, it's pinko.
Ahhh, the wisdom of Michelle Malkin! By her logic, we should put Iraqis in iron maidens.
Mickey Kaus = Anatole France??
Kaus: It's a stark illustration of the inequities of capitalism that organized labor can only afford to buy one political party, but Wall Street can buy both of them. ... 11:53 A.M.
France: "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." (Le Lys Rouge)
France: "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." (Le Lys Rouge)
Jonah Goldberg makes up for some Krikorian and McCarthy
And Coffin does too.
Blue Balls,
Juche Bag,
Life is a Story Writ on Water
Monday, April 26, 2010
Another NROer finds the bon ton
Krikorian calls Graham a waterboy for the Dems. Curiously, this waterboy took the Dems' goldenboy Holder and bent him over the watercooler. Perhaps this is considered a good thing among Democrats, but it sure looked like hell on youtube.
Manzi-Levin post-mortem. Manzi wins.
Manzi-Levin post-mortem. Manzi wins.
First PJ, now Douthat!
I thought PJ was done and Ross never started! Obama's good for writing.
REGURGE for Jon Stewart's take.
REGURGE for Jon Stewart's take.
Hussein finds SBJ
"Like others before him, President Obama shared how lonely, demanding and humbling the office of president can be, and how much he appreciated the counsel of people like Mr. Graham and the prayers of so many citizens," Ross said.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Wow! Been years since this guy wrote anything decent!
And he hits it now? Maybe Obama is good for the satirists, at least.
A positive development, for a change

Planet Rot completely disoriented
Democrats privately charged Saturday that Graham was trying to scuttle immigration reform in order to protect his close friend, Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, from having to deal with a sticky issue in advance of his tough August GOP primary battle in Arizona to keep his Senate seat. McCain has previously pushed for comprehensive immigration reform but has been recently talking about securing America's borders first, a position that puts the senator more in line with his conservative primary opponent, former Rep. J.D. Hayworth.
Hmmm... IT'S ALL JD'S FAULT!!!!
Hmmm... IT'S ALL JD'S FAULT!!!!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Pay up, schmucks--says Herr Rot
A big chunk of the bailout money from the International Monetary Fund would come from American taxpayers.... But don't feel too smug. "Greece is just the extreme case. The U.S., Japan, and the U.K. (to name just three) are barely better off. Debt threatens to devour future growth."
beware of Greeks bearing gifts,
Please. Behead me last. And don’t use the rusty scimitar
The cardboard heroes of the American media are your go-to guys for standing up to entirely fictitious threats. But for real ones? Not so much.
Kerfufflefest a la Manzi
Let's see if Tecs pulls for Frank Rich (\equiv Andy McCarthy) in this one.
REGURGE FOR: Andy the berserker, who just can't let it go.
REGURGE FOR: Andy the berserker, who just can't let it go.
Steyn hot for Ayaan, another hater
Haters for healthfood. Hey Tecs! Why don't you smoke a pack or two just to spite your nemesis!
The information in this article is proportional to the logarithm of its inverse probability of usefulness...
Physics struggles in the wilderness.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Kim Strassel is brilliant
Of course Tecs is still checking up on what Farteed Craparia has to say about all this. Hmmm... Hey, what about Chris Christie? He kicks serious ass.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
One NRO guy looking for fresh air
And McCarthy gets pissy-pissy. I bet Manzi gets fired for not being a true believer. Manzi bothers to answer him, God knows why. Doesn't everyone know that McCarthy is bananas? Manzi's bio.
JD breathing hard on Mac's neck
Rot dons hist tinfoil hat, and sees a "birther" conspiracy.
A bad day for Herr Rott,
Mac wakes up
The new French!
In case you're wondering, yes, Franck Ribery is one of the new French. On the plus side, at least she has opted out of the abaya thing.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Socialized medicine at its best
Pepe ululates, in a high-pitched falsetto.
Blue Balls,
No Kant Do,
pinko bites pinky
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Feynman smiles
Link stolen from Taranto, who thinks the title of the piece is a question nobody is asking.
Planet Pepe tied in knots
So they got to Pinkochusetts to get married, adopt, and now want to split in Texas.
Barack finds a friend. Seahorsing around. Rearing its Gay Head.
Barack finds a friend. Seahorsing around. Rearing its Gay Head.
Time to try forced collectivization again?
Borat: Kazakhstan is the greatest country in the world; all other countries are run by little girls. Kazakhstan is number one exporter of potassium; other Central Asian countries have inferior potassium.
Putin gets the Obamacare meme:
Fíjense en el boticario, en su palidez de aspirina, en sus ojos azules (tonalidad hielo GULAG), en su mirada llorosa, perdida e inanimada como de camarero del Titanic. Menos mal que tenía los ansiolíticos a mano…
Putin gets the Obamacare meme:
Fíjense en el boticario, en su palidez de aspirina, en sus ojos azules (tonalidad hielo GULAG), en su mirada llorosa, perdida e inanimada como de camarero del Titanic. Menos mal que tenía los ansiolíticos a mano…
Tecs weighs in
The people who see faces and stuff in the cloud are hilarious. It's called pareidolia, it's not a religious experience, it's just your human brain that likes to see patterns and faces especially.
The CO2 deniers wondering why we should reduce CO2 emissions when there will just be volcanoes ... it's like wondering why you shouldn't take a dump on the floor after someone's dog already did. And the people who say that NOW they can see why the volcano was such a big deal have the same problem. No sense of scale means your visualizations fail. And if a failed concept of proportion drives your judgement, it's easy to see how you can be so absolutely and unequivocally wrong.
I want to just shrug and ignore stupid people, and wait for them to be proven wrong. I won't live long enough to see how badly they ruin the world after all.
Posted by Tacoma April 19, 10 04:36 PM
The CO2 deniers wondering why we should reduce CO2 emissions when there will just be volcanoes ... it's like wondering why you shouldn't take a dump on the floor after someone's dog already did. And the people who say that NOW they can see why the volcano was such a big deal have the same problem. No sense of scale means your visualizations fail. And if a failed concept of proportion drives your judgement, it's easy to see how you can be so absolutely and unequivocally wrong.
I want to just shrug and ignore stupid people, and wait for them to be proven wrong. I won't live long enough to see how badly they ruin the world after all.
Posted by Tacoma April 19, 10 04:36 PM
Monday, April 19, 2010
Yet another dream judge for Herr Rot
"I have to correct my text here to say that Kagan is apparently still closeted -- odd, because her female partner is rather well known in Harvard circles."
More: Hopefully now that the White House has spoken, "everyone will simply shut up, as they should have in the first place." Got that, Herr Rot?
Piling up on Das Rotter's dream candidate.
More: Hopefully now that the White House has spoken, "everyone will simply shut up, as they should have in the first place." Got that, Herr Rot?
Piling up on Das Rotter's dream candidate.
Tecs puts on his béret and lights up a Gauloise
...disaster ensues. Tecs starts another blog. It's all about bouillabaisse.
Pinkos channel Tecs.
What a surprise that when some wackos start slobbering about Article n, Section m, then other wackos echo and before long, the high boots get pulled on and the rope gets thrown over the branch.
Sounds to me like this is Tecs' fault big-time, since he started it all.
Sounds to me like this is Tecs' fault big-time, since he started it all.
Saved by the volcano!

Barry catches a break.
[Add a pic. Clearly, it's Rot's fault. --tecs]
AGAIN: Rot wins the interpretation contest.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
First Brown, now Baker

Don't worry, be happy, drink some ouzo
Press apparatchiks
Regurgamundo! WHOA!! what about the NSA guys?
MSM Party Line,
Principles of AmeriSoc
Pepean cloaca
When news of last weekend’s assault of Republican campaign fundraiser Allee Bautsch and her boyfriend broke on Monday, police logs detailing crimes and complaints reported in the French Quarter that night did not list the attack on the pair. That’s because the April 9 incident was first labeled a medical call, which meant no police report needed to be written. Of course. Welcome to Nawlins.
You don't say
“I’m afraid what the president and his administration want is for the United States to no longer be preeminent in space flight.”
Saturday, April 17, 2010
La vida es una puta mierda
Jonathan Gruber, the MIT health care economist who advised both Romney and Obama, told the Wall Street Journal, "If any one person in the world deserves credit for where we are now [with the passage of the new federal law], it's Mitt Romney... He designed the structure of the federal bill."
Latest Update on the Prologue to Ragnarok
First Iceland's banks. Now this volcano shit.
Iceland Dreams,
Norwegian Woodies,
Off to Rome-on-Potomac
Pepe fights headhackers better than the seethers
Not a surprise, but are you two guilty of treason now?
Friday, April 16, 2010
Does Tecs side with the Harridan or with the Slick wienie?
Jeez, this is a tough call. I´ll give even odds but won´t bet.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
All in the interest of transparency
And in the interest of even more, could I suggest eine kleine vivisektion?
Pepe puts on the brass knuckles
It's all Rot's fault!!!

It's all AA's fault!!!
Da Mann & co should not have relied on his statistical methods. That's the problem.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Something that might should be investigated
Right. Now if only Tecs the Grammarian quits possumin he's havin trouble parsin yer Ennisese, maybe we might could git Waxman outta office or out on the street somewhares.
Time for Tecs to start his own movement!
May I suggest a name?
Tidelands Tecs goes mainstream. Tinfoil futures soar.
Tidelands Tecs goes mainstream. Tinfoil futures soar.
Smothered by a boob
This time, he started flailing around a bit, but I assumed it was because he was so excited, so I kept going," she said. "A few minutes later I noticed he'd stopped moving." The standard way to go on Planet Rot?
Mr Rot at the bat,
woman bites man
Seethers calm down! You're gonna blow it.
Though a punch in the mouth would have been very satisfying...
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
High fashion, commuting diagrams, and Ricci flow

buy Rot buy,
CD rulz,
pinko math,
Tecs' fruity thinktank
AA's fruity hero goes to the dock
When there's heat there's light, eh? Seems to me that when there are idiots, there is idiocy, but I am no fruity poet.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Let's have a Tactical Nuclear Penguin

Pinko Versailles
Believers in aristocracy and socialism share a faith in centralized rule, in rule by command rather than by voluntary cooperation. They differ in who should rule: whether an elite determined by birth or experts supposedly chosen on merit. Both proclaim, no doubt sincerely, that they wish to promote the well-being of the “general public,” that they know what is in the “public interest” and how to obtain it better than the ordinary person. Both, therefore, profess a paternalistic philosophy.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
When Bunda Descartes Meets a Lord of Planet Pepe
If It's a Ritual Then its a Right Rite
Saturday, April 10, 2010
VDH offers four possibilities
So which one is it? I'm inclined to go with c), but d) is also tempting.
Planet Tecs conflicted
Faint praise: And so the free lunch promised Massachusetts in 2006 devolves toward a fiscally beleaguered government setting prices and limiting care, exactly the downward spiral critics fear from Obamacare. At least Romney can say he didn’t know how his experiment would end. Obama has been warned, and still he embraces Massachusetts as our national future.
Friday, April 09, 2010
The receding shadow of American power
All this plays out under the gaze of an Islamic world that is coming to a consensus that a discernible American retreat in the region is in the works. America's enemies are increasingly brazen, its friends unnerved.
Stupak out
Thursday, April 08, 2010
The bill Rot has been pulling hard for
When Kerry, Graham, and Lieberman all agree on Gorebal Warming, Rot swoons and starts ululating for hope and change.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Toldja Being in Houston is All About Allergies!

By the way, Tejas, there is a Solution [pictured] if only your head wasn't so frucked up with dust/mites/grains/mosses/poisons/algae/bacteria/cockroach feces or whatever the join of Bayou, Gulf, Sands, Agriculture, Toxic Petrochemical industries, and a myriad other assaults on the ability to sustain Cartesian Logic, can conjure up. Even da Rotter kept to the safehavens of College Station and points Sul on the A&Mish community.
I feel so much safer now
REGURGE: How come the Russians don't elect dufuses? No fair!
REREGURGE: Obava's secret weapon.
REGURGE: How come the Russians don't elect dufuses? No fair!
REREGURGE: Obava's secret weapon.
Gotta hand it to him...
Ahmadinejad knows how to keep that fist clenched. Obama gets on all 4s and drops trou and Ahmad says the US is a bigger threat than ever and had better look out!
English, but less fun.
English, but less fun.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Rudyard's take
As it will be in the future, it was at the birth of Man
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire
There are only four things certain since Social Progress began.
That the Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire
Taranto hands it to Romney
Former governor Mitt Romney, in many ways an attractive candidate for the GOP presidential nomination, led the Bay State "reform" effort and to this day refuses to admit he made a mistake.
In Romney's defense, he did a lot less damage as governor of a single state than Barack Obama did as president of 50. But try putting that on a bumper sticker.
In Romney's defense, he did a lot less damage as governor of a single state than Barack Obama did as president of 50. But try putting that on a bumper sticker.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Yeah, yeah, but.....What a Good Muslim!
"I am giving the last word to beautiful Noor herself: In an email exchange with a friend just before she was murdered, Noor typed: “Dude, I am so scared. … I’m so shaky. … My dad is a manipulative asshole. I’ve honestly never met anyone … so evil.”"
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Saturday, April 03, 2010
A Portuguese Coanda from Havana

where in the world is Herr Rot?
Of course, the Monroe Doctrine means nothing to you two
REGURGE: El Roto gets snippy. -- tecs.
Hugo Chavez,
Putin just doesn't get it
And we ended up with Barack & Joe
“What worried me,” says Keane, “was that Abizaid and Casey believed their policy was working when it was obvious to the average citizen that something was wrong.”
...the biggest douchebags got the highest honors the country could bestow. How close are we to the definition of kakistocracy?
...the biggest douchebags got the highest honors the country could bestow. How close are we to the definition of kakistocracy?
Friday, April 02, 2010
Palau with red meat all we need is to run out all the fucking carpetbagger fruits from California.
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